Early Modern | War History

War Wagons: One of the Strangest Military Formations Ever Seen in Europe

Andrew Knighton

One of the strangest military formations ever seen in Europe, Hussite war wagons struck fear into their opponents during the early 15th century. Fighting under…

6 Military Campaigns of Frederick Barbarossa

Andrew Knighton

Frederick Hohenstaufen, also known as Frederick Barbarossa, became Emperor Frederick I of the Holy Roman Empire in 1152, succeeding his uncle Conrad III. With a…

Three Medieval Crusades in North Africa

Andrew Knighton

The word “crusade” normally evokes images of war in the Middle East, with European crusaders fighting Muslim Arabs. But crusades took place all over Europe…

Krak des Chevaliers – The Impenetrable Castle, Captured With A Single Sheet of Paper

Malcolm Higgins

A hulking edifice of sun-bleached stone, Krak des Chevaliers loomed against a clear blue sky. How many men had died to hold those walls, and…

Raiders and Traders: The Vikings Conquer England

Andrew Knighton

The end of the first millennium AD saw a turning point for England. After decades of security, the independent kingdom once again came under attack…

Top 10 True Innovations of the Civil War

You often hear about how the Civil War brought submarines, iron-clad ships, or the telegraph into play, but that’s not exactly true. While they are…

Making Magna Carta: King John’s Civil War

Andrew Knighton

The very foundation of the English constitution is based in conflict. Magna Carta, the basis of much English law, was written in a failed attempt…

Civil War Showdown: The Henry Rifle vs The Spencer Rifle (Watch)

During the American Civil War, lasting from 1861 to 1865, the Henry rifle and the Spencer rifle saw considerable use on the battlefield. Members of…

The Albigensian Crusades: Christians vs Christians

Andrew Knighton

Some crusades were fought against fellow Christians. The Cathars, one of the inspirations behind Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, were the targets of one…

Hastings and Beyond: The Norman Conquest of England

Andrew Knighton

The Norman conquest of England was more than just the Battle of Hastings. To secure his new country, William the Conqueror had to gain control…

“The Great Army” – The Vikings at Their Peak

Andrew Knighton

The most powerful and devastating series of Vikings raids to hit Western Europe came between 865 and 896 AD. During these decades, a massive combined…

Four Men and One Woman – Five Mighty Leaders Whose Wars United Medieval England

Andrew Knighton

In the late ninth century, England was not a united country. Viking raiders from Denmark controlled the north and east. Norwegian and Irish raids left…