Early Modern | War History

Building Armies in the Harsh World of Medieval England

Andrew Knighton

Recruiting an army could be a difficult business in the Middle Ages. Most people’s lives consisted of farming small patches of land. When people didn’t…

The Five Flaws of the Brilliant Civil War General “Stonewall” Jackson

General Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson is widely regarded as one of the greatest tactical commanders in American military history. While his solid determination to hold…

The Battle of Stoney Creek – A Minor Fight That Changed History

In the early 1800s, two US generals tried to invade Canada. They might have succeeded, too, except for a peculiar handicap – their inability to…

7 Famous Medieval Knights – Warriors, Leaders, And Scholars

Medieval knights were among the celebrities of their day – warriors, leaders, and scholars. They became figures of romance and inspiration, giving them a special…

Top 5 Battles Where Fighting Spirit Overcame The Odds

Battles can be lost for a hundred different reasons. Poor numbers, unwise strategy, inferior weapons, the list goes on. But just occasionally, a fighting force…

Civil War Trails – Connecting Visitors To History On The Civil War

A sign was dedicated in Floyd, Virginia, as part of the Virginia Civil War Trails system. John Graham of the Floyd County Historical Society (FCHS)…

New Book Throws Light On Civil War General Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant is well known as the commanding general of the Union forces during the American civil war, but outside of that little is…

Punishing the Enemy, Feeding his Men: How General Ulysses S. Grant Changed the Course of the Civil War

General Ulysses S. Grant transformed the way the American Civil War was fought. By shifting to a strategy of “baseless” campaigning he freed himself from…

Disease, Starvation, and the Brutal Russian Winter – Why Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia Did Not Succeed

Shahan Russell

In 1812, Napoleon’s Grande Armée (Great Army) invaded Russia. Though made up of about 680,000 soldiers, they lost. Historians have given many reasons as to…

The Black Dispatches From the Civil War Spies

The typical Southern officer’s opinion of African Americans was that they were an inferior subhuman race, lacking in intelligence or cunning. Their ignorance and subsequent…

Mary Edwards Walker – The Only Woman Ever To Receive The Medal Of Honor

Early life Mary Edwards Walker was born into a society where strict gender roles controlled the lives of women. However, thanks to the liberal outlook…

Food, Fun and Music – Civil War Days Coming to Naper Settlement, Naperville, Illinois, In May

Naper Settlement in Naperville, Illinois, is having their Civil War Days on May 20-21 from 10 am to 4 pm. Each day at 2:30, hundreds…