Early Modern | War History

Mary Edwards Walker – The Only Woman Ever To Receive The Medal Of Honor

Early life Mary Edwards Walker was born into a society where strict gender roles controlled the lives of women. However, thanks to the liberal outlook…

9 Ways That Napoleon’s Blockade of Britain Undermined His Own Empire

In 1806, Napoleon Bonaparte launched a blockade of Great Britain. Merchants from the French Empire and its dependencies were no longer allowed to trade with…

Eight Reasons Behind Napoleon’s Invasion Of Egypt

Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt was his last great military campaign before seizing power as First Consul of France. Despite being a disaster, it helped him…

Seven Reasons Why The Climactic Battle of Waterloo Still Matters Today

It is over two hundred years since Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. The defeat of France’s warlord Emperor saw the end…

8 Ways Medieval Crusaders Might Have Thought And Felt About Their Wars

Andrew Knighton

A knight stands on the walls of Jerusalem, staring out at the parched land beyond the city. He is weary from weeks of travel and…

Nine Things the Movie ‘Braveheart’ Got Wrong… And One Thing It Got Right

Andrew Knighton

Mel Gibson’s film Braveheart is both one of the most celebrated and one of the most reviled pieces of historical filmmaking ever. A heart-stirring and…

Four Men and One Woman – Five Mighty Leaders Whose Wars United Medieval England

Andrew Knighton

In the late ninth century, England was not a united country. Viking raiders from Denmark controlled the north and east. Norwegian and Irish raids left…

The Kingmaker – Seven Family Members Napoleon Used to Assert His Power

Like many rulers throughout history, Napoleon made use of his family. He discussed issues with them, and they were supporters and strategic assets in his political…

Last Battle Of The Vikings On The West Coast Of Scotland

Jack Beckett

It was the age of the Great Mongol Khans. It was the age of Byzantium, of the Holy Roman Empire. The wars of the Reconquista…

10 Great Men Who Inspired The Young Napoleon Bonaparte

From an early age, Napoleon Bonaparte showed the ambition and intelligence that would eventually make him the emperor of half of Europe. As a child,…

Disaster In The Desert: Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign

Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt was one of the strangest failures in military history. A young general and statesman at the height of his abilities he…

Four Military Operations Which Were Fought In Abominable Weather Conditions

Rain and snow tend to make people stay inside with a nice cup of tea, hot chocolate, or maybe something stronger. As you would expect,…