Early Modern | War History

The Viking Sieges of Paris

Ragnar Lothbrok, the notorious Viking, is still a historical mystery veiled in myths, or even believed to be a collective personage for several different Viking…

There’s Lots of History to Experience When Visiting Gettysburg

Some of the soldiers who fought at Gettysburg spent time at Carlisle Barracks, which would later become the US Army War College founded by President…

Disease, Starvation, and the Brutal Russian Winter – Why Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia Did Not Succeed

In 1812, Napoleon’s Grande Armée (Great Army) invaded Russia. Though made up of about 680,000 soldiers, they lost. Historians have given many reasons as to…

4 Key Victories Of The Medieval World

The medieval world was scorched by endless warfare for dominance and lands.  Going through the pages of history we could pick at least four battles…

The Victory of the Reconquista – The Spanish Annexation of the Emirate of Granada

Julia Dzhak

After the Crusade of Las Navas de Tolosa, the Spanish Reconquista began to slowly but steadily remove the Arab presence from the Iberian Peninsula. Prelude…

The Battle of Berestechko That Began The Swеdish Deluge

The Battle of Berestechko would be a fight against a massive revolt. Although the victory would give a chance for King John Casimir to end…

The United States Navy’s First Submarine – Lost at Sea

The USS Alligator was the first known submarine of the United States Navy. But it wasn’t the first American submarine. That was the “Turtle,” a…

When The Turks Captured A Roman Emperor Throwing The Empire In Turmoil

In the middle of the 11th century, the Armenian lands suffered under the raids of the Seljuks. These fierce Turkish invaders conquered most of the…

How Charlemagne Conquered Half of Europe

How many kings can say that their name was emblazoned across the map? The most successful ruler ever seen in Dark Age Europe, Charlemagne –…

Heroes of America: The Red String Band who rebelled against the Confederacy in the Southern States

It is easy to think of wars from earlier centuries in rather simplistic terms, especially as they fade further into the past. The American Civil…

8 Brutal Conflicts Between Franks and Vikings

Andrew Knighton

Two great military forces dominated Europe in the 9th century. On the mainland was the Frankish Empire, a kingdom covering modern France and much of…

Four Men and One Woman – Five Mighty Leaders Whose Wars United Medieval England

Andrew Knighton

In the late ninth century, England was not a united country. Viking raiders from Denmark controlled the north and east. Norwegian and Irish raids left…