Featured | War History

Fascinating Facts About ‘Platoon’ – Oliver Stone’s Best Movie

William Dafoe, Charlie Sheen and Tom Berenger standing together in costume

The 1986 Oliver Stone film, Platoon, has – along with Full Metal Jacket (1987) and Apocalypse Now (1979) – become the ultimate representation of Vietnam…

The Surprising Origins Behind These 9 Military Superstitions

AI rendering of two US Army soldiers standing in uniform on a stormy day

The US military is made up of the country’s finest men and women. They’re willing to risk their lives for their countrymen and will take…

The CIA Probably Wishes These Facts About the Agency Remained Classified

Men standing in the CIA's headquarters

With secrecy being one of the CIA’s primary objectives, it’s not exactly surprising that us everyday citizens know rather little about the agency’s activities, even…

Misleading Military Movies That Feature Glaring Historical Errors

Madeline Hiltz
Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill in 'Darkest Hour' + Mel Gibson as Benjamin Martin in 'The Patriot'

For better or for worse, historical accuracy is often given up for entertainment purposes when it comes to certain films. Even the military movies most…

Classic ’80s War Movies That Show Just How Great Cinema Used to Be

R. Lee Ermey as Gunnery Sgt. Hartman in 'Full Metal Jacket' + Mel Gibson as Frank Dunne in 'Gallipoli' + Willem Dafoe as Sgt. Elias in 'Platoon'

While the ’80s wasn’t all about action-buddy movies and teen comedies, there were a lot of war films made throughout decade, as well. It’s easy…

‘Band of Brothers’ Actors Who Later Became Big-Time Stars

Still from 'Band of Brothers'

Band of Brothers was a television landmark that featured a star-studded cast of actors. Made in the days before movie quality, writer-led drama really took…

Ian Fortune Kept Flying After Being Shot In the Head By Enemy Machine Gun Fire

British Royal Marines running from a Boeing CH-47 Chinook

Whether it be in peacetime or war, being shot is never pleasant. Taking a bullet once in the body is often enough to maim or…

Royal Navy Slang That’s Found Its Way Into Everyday Life

British Royal Navy sailors firing a cannon

In Britain, it’s said you’re never more than 70 miles from the sea. Given this, the country’s most important means of defense has, historically, been…

John Chapman: Mistaken for Dead, He Fought a Heroic Last Stand Against the Enemy

Jeff Edwards
John Chapman standing with his rifle + Military portrait of John Chapman

There have been many who performed distinct acts of valor and bravery during combat. While the majority are awarded for these actions not long after…

Justin LeHew: US Marine Corps Hero of the Battle of Nasiriyah

US Marines standing around a damaged Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV) + Military portrait of Justin LeHew

One wrong turn can be all it takes to turn a regular soldier into a hero. The US Army’s 507th Maintenance Company took that wrong…

James Ashworth: The Victoria Cross Recipient Who Gave His Life to Take Out An Enemy Sniper

Grenadier Guardsmen aiming their weapons + Military portrait of James Ashworth

Not all war stories have a happy ending – in fact, one might make the case that most don’t. This is especially true when you…

Bryan Budd Charged Into a Cornfield to Attack Enemy Insurgents – He Was Killed By Friendly Fire

Member of the 3rd Battalion, Parachute Regiment kneeling in the sand

The Victoria Cross is the United Kingdom’s highest military honor and one of the most esteemed recognitions for gallantry in combat. However many recipients are…