Could the Nazis have conquered the United States?
Considering some of the different outcomes that could have happened during World War Two, historians and researchers have looked closely at how and what would…
WAR’S NOMADS – A Mobile Radar Unit in Pursuit of Rommel during the Western Desert Campaign 1942-43 – Review by Mark Barnes
We’ve been in the desert a few times and I generally find writing of the campaign to have a different quality to conflict in other…
Operating ball turret in the Collings B-24J at Bomber Camp
One of the coolest things ever! The crew chief on the B-24 and a great guy, installed his Gopro camera on the end of the 50…
World War Two Plane Wrecks Search Continues In Germany
A group in Germany continues to recover and locate plane wrecks from World War Two still strewn across Germany. Sometimes they still have the remains…
What Kissinger Really Thought About Vietnam
Many people believe that Henry Kissinger supported the war in Vietnam throughout the 1960’s, and that was the reason Richard Nixon made him National Security…
MUST SEE: 21 Amazing Aerial Shots Of Bombed Out Berlin Shortly After The War……
Following the end of World War II, photographer Hein Gorny took spectacular aerial shots of the ravaged German capital. These were the first, if not…
Top Ten Battles of All Time
Wars start because of power struggles, and while many become forgotten, others change the destinies of entire nations. Still others shape the world we live in,…
Man from Bristol Moves House To Find Parking For His New Tank
It wasn’t rent-seeking landlords or noisy neighbours that drove Jeff Woolmer out of his two-bedroom flat near Bristol. Mr. Woolmer had to move out because…
2005, When The World’s First Fully Restored Halifax Went On Display
The sight was mesmerizing, when in 2005, a crowd of some 1,400 veterans and World War enthusiasts witnessed the unveiling of the world’s very first fully…
Four Jumps For Freedom: The Duke Boswell Story – Needs YOU!
Henry “Duke” Boswell was tired of life in the North Carolina cotton fields, so he forged his parents’ signatures and joined the Army at 17.…