Guest Authors | War History

Humanizing The Sacrifice – Elston stepbrothers snuck away from home to enlist in the Army in WWI

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star Families…

Transportation equipment reactivated or re-purposed for the WW2 Homefront

The reactivations by government agencies and firms that purchased inactive equipment in the buildup to or the early years of World War II or the…

“Appreciate their sacrifices” – Missouri veteran served with Army’s Veterinary Corps in World War I

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star…

Focus On Training – Cole County sheriff served more than 31 years in Air Force and National Guard

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star Families…

Shanghai’s Last Stand – The ‘800 Heroes’ of Sihang Warehouse

For four long days they resisted – to stage a dramatic last stand worthy of international attention. At the first major battle since Marco Polo…

“Louisiana Has Drawn First Blood Today” – The Battles of Mansfield and Pleasant Hill, 1864

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Alan G. Gauthreaux In 1864, factions on both sides of the Mason-Dixon Line grew tired of…

The “Black Knight” – Wild Fighter, Feared Duellist, And Hero Of The Mexican – American War

Few men can claim to be one of America’s most feared duelists and war hero at the same time. Alexander Keith McClung proved to be…

Serving as a deterrent – Air Force veteran served with Strategic Air Command during the Cold War

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star Families…

The Most Decorated Panzer Companies Of The Wehrmacht PART 2 – 13th (heavy) Company, SS-Panzer-Regiment 1

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Evan Pinter  Continues from  The Most Decorated Panzer Companies Of The Wehrmacht PART 1 – 2nd…

Mussolini’s Rescue – A Mountaintop Operation Which Was Mostly a Downhill Pull

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jon M. Brown. Ranked among the more dramatic stories from the Second World War is that…

U-537, Cape Chidley & The Secret Weather Station WFL-26 – by Martin K.A. Morgan

Throughout the war, the Allies enjoyed a certain advantage over the Axis that was purely the product of geography.  Because the Allied nations occupied real…

Building ‘Camp Swampy’ – Missouri military experience helped inspire iconic Beetle Bailey® comic strip

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star…