Guest Authors | War History

Living In No Man’s Land: The Legend of the Wild Deserters of the First World War

War History Online presents this Guest Article from by Jerome Baldwin Ever since the Great War the legend of the wild deserters has endured.  There are…

The ‘Cisco Kids’: Tuskegee Airmen brothers George and Arnold Cisco

War History Online presents this Guest Article from Eugene Jones Baldwin Arnold and George Cisco grew up in mostly white, rural Jerseyville, Illinois, graduating with…

Stunning Must See Video Of A Dakota AC-47 T, Acting As Lethal Spooky Killer

War History Online Presents this Guest Article By Author and Blogger Hans Wiesman – Check Out His Website! In this Dakota Hunter Blog post, you’ll…

Amazing Pictures – The Lost Tommies in Colour

In 2011 a team of researchers, led by Australian journalist Ross Coulthart, made an incredible discovery. They uncovered a collection of hundreds of photographs from…

The Iowa Class: A Departure from Traditional US Battleship Design

War History Online presents this Guest Article from Chris Knupp The four vessels of the Iowa class were the last battleships put to sea by…

The Forgotten War In S.W. Pacific: Air Raids From Australia Against The Dutch East Indies

War History Online Presents this Guest Blog from Author and Blogger Hans Wiesman. Check out his Blog and his Book.  In this Dakota Hunter Blog, you…

‘Without Precedent’ – Commando, Fighter Pilot and The True Story of Australia’s First Purple Heart

War History Online Presents This Article By Guest Blogger Owen Zupp The frozen Korean peninsula was a hostile environment for any downed pilot in 1952.…

‘Lucky Luciano’ – The Father of Organized Crime Won His Freedom by Helping the US Government during WW2

War History Online Presents This Article By Guest Blogger Jack Hawkins It is often said that crime does not pay, and when Charles ‘Lucky’ Luciano…

Honor: Counterproductive Japanese War Ethics in WWII

War History Online proudly presents this guest article by Ryan Kim On the morning of May 11, 1945, the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17) was supporting the…

“Sharing my story” – Local veteran served as parts specialist with infantry battalion in Vietnam War

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick – the author of the upcoming Burnt District Press release “Together as One:…

Finding The Voices Of The Veterans – Ann Hamlet Collects The Memoirs Of Veterans For Exciting New Book

War History Online presents this guest article – by Ann Hamlet In the 1950s, with London still battle-scarred from the Blitz, any child would ask their…

“What we went through” – James Belshe, WWII Veteran Earns Purple Heart for Injury Sustained in the Philippines

War History Online proudly presents this Guest Article by military historian Jeremy P. Amick. “Seventy-something years ago,” described Eldon, Mo., veteran James Belshe, a “wide-eyed…