Guest Authors | War History

The History of the Sabre… Not Just for Cavalrymen

The sabre was the traditional cavalryman’s weapon for most of the gunpowder era, and was carried into action long after it had become all but…

Myths Of The Montana Class Battleships

War History Online presents this Guest Article by Chris Knupp. Artist’s impression of the Montana class Battleship Myth #1: The Montana class Ignored the Panama Canal…

I-17 & the Shelling of the Bankline Oil Refinery – February 23, 1942 – by Martin K.A. Morgan

Thanks go to Marty Morgan for this wonderful article. Two months after Pearl Harbor, World War II raged around the world in places like the Philippines…

Warrior Monks of Feudal Japan—These Monks Did Not Always Practice Peace

Imagine a Monk What do you see? Do you imagine the traditional Zen Buddhist monks of Japan, shaven-headed men in bright robes sitting in meditation…

“A Different Breed” – PT Boat Veteran Served in Europe and the Pacific during World War II

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star…

The Long Lost Dog Tag Of PFC Harlan L. Herrscher

By Peter Van Pelt of Belgium, This story is a follow-up to the article on the dog tags of Frank H. Norton Jr. In February 2016…

Clem Dowler Went From B-17 Ball Turret Gunner To Guerilla Fighter

Author: McKay Smith In the summer of 1944, Clem Dowler went from serving in the U.S. Army Air Corps to fighting alongside the Office of Strategic…

Greek Fire: Civil War in the “Cradle of Democracy” After WW2

War History Online Presents this Guest Blog From Alan G. Gauthreaux.  A highly motivated and extremely determined Greek army descended on communist guerrillas on three sides…

Holding The High Ground – The Incredible Self-Sacrifice Of “The Demons Of IB Ridge”

War History Online Presents this Guest Blog By Frank Jastrzembski who writes at On April 30, 1863, the last few remaining members of a French Foreign…

“Discipline is Key” – Rock Guitarist Gains Footing In Life Through His U.S. Navy Service

We proudly present this guest blog from Jeremy P. Ämick, who writes on behalf of the Silver Star Families of America. For more information on…

The Battle of Grytviken – When A Lone Sniper Turned The Tide Of Battle On A Warship – By Martin K.A. Morgan

War History Online presents this guest piece by Martin K.A. Morgan In 1982, Argentina and the United Kingdom fought one another in the South Atlantic…

“A moment’s notice” – Veteran Discusses Cold War Service with Air Force’s Titan II Missiles

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star…