History | War History

When The US Navy Came Of Age, Showing For The First Time What It Could Do

Gabe Christy

Sweat poured down the brows of eight American sailors, their white-knuckled fists gripping long oars. The bosun bellowed at them to pull for their lives…

Charge Of The Light Brigade: Britain’s most famous Military Disaster

Andrew Knighton

Storm’d at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell Rode the six hundred…

1904-5 The Russo-Japanese War: Japan Shatters Russia’s Navy and Global Perceptions

While Japan is today known as a leading nation in terms of technology, this was not the case in the late 19th and early 20th…

Roman Emperors Who Died in Battle, From The End Of The Roman Empire To Byzantium

Though Roman Emperors occasionally did fight while out on campaigns, it was often a major shock if they were wounded or killed. If an emperor…

Outnumbered and With Taliban Overrunning the Base, Clinton Romesha Was Awarded MoH at the Battle of Kamdesh

Jeff Edwards

The Battle of Kamdesh would be one of the costliest battles for the Americans of the entire Afghanistan conflict as it saw an American outpost…

Never Let your Age Be an Excuse: 78-year Old Revolutionary War Hero Samuel Whittemore Didn’t

The Revolutionary War, or the War of American Independence if you’re not American, was full of awe-inspiring stories of bravery and daring. Ardent patriots stood…

The Lockheed U-2 and the SR-71 Blackbird – Top Secret Spy Planes

The Lockheed U-2 and SR-71 ‘Blackbird’ are two planes about which there is not a lot known. Here we will learn some facts about them.…

Britain’s first Great Navy

Guest Author

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from John S. Richardson The Roman Empire is best known for its Army Legions who ruled the then…

Into The Jaws Of Death, Into The Mouth Of Hell, Rode The Six Hundred – By Mistake

The Charge of the Light Brigade was a relatively minor engagement, in a single battle of a rather pointless war, that was put under a…

Starving Their Own Men: Britain’s Epic Supply Failure in the Crimea

Andrew Knighton

The very least a soldier expects when sent on a campaign is to be fed, clothed and given the necessary equipment to carry out their…

The Glorious First of June Broke One Of The Rules By Which We Understand Battles

Andrew Knighton

The Glorious First of June broke one of the rules by which we understand battles – that there can be only one winner. After the…

Isandlwana 1879: Spear-wielding Zulu Warriors Surround and Destroy British Riflemen

During the 19th century, the sun did not set on the globe-spanning British Empire. It was not an inherently evil institution, and many good was…