History | War History

Over The Years, Many Moments In Military History Have Inspired Great Works of Art

Andrew Knighton

With its drama, spectacle, and significance for human life, war has always inspired art. From cave paintings of stone age skirmishes to abstract explorations of…

Machine Guns – Rapid Early Development Of A Deadly, Game-Changing Technology

In the second half of the 19th century, industrialized nations entered an arms race to produce the best machine-gun. This new type of weapon was…

Valentine Baker’s Last Stand At The Battle of Tashkessen

War History Online Presents This Piece, Kindly Contributed By Guest Blogger Frank Jastrzembski –  www.frankjastrzembski.com Nearly 3,000 miles from the coastline of his native England,…

The Causes Of The English Civil Wars – Some Of The Most Destructive Conflicts In British History

By Guest Blogger Jemahl Evans The English Civil Wars (there were three, involving all the nations of the British Isles) were some of the most destructive…

From A Man of God to Men of War – Great Innovators in the History of Firearms

As handheld guns developed, many people contributed to creating the technology used in the ones we have today. Here are some of the innovators who…

Tanks and Fighting Vehicles – The Development of Military Technology Between The Wars

Between the World Wars, the most powerful nations turned their attention to improving vehicles for use in wartime. WWI had established the value of the…

Handheld Firearms – Hundreds of Years of Transformation and Improvement

Handguns have gone through many changes over the centuries. From simple gunpowder weapons to sophisticated modern firepower, they have repeatedly been transformed and improved. Early…

Irony: Military Uniforms That Got Soldiers Killed

Andrew Knighton

These days, when we think about dangerous military uniforms we mean shoddily made body armor or badly colored camouflage. But far more disastrous uniforms have…

Battle of Talas in 751

Guest Author

War History Online presents this Guest Article from Hikma History   Pivotal or Overblown? Some battles are seen as landmark moments; their result could be…

How Climate Change Helped the Swedes March Across A Frozen Sea And Defeat The Danes

Shahan Russell

It all started in 1655 during the Second Northern War. Sweden was fighting against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russia, Brandenburg-Prussia, the Habsburg Monarchy, Denmark-Norway, and sometimes,…

“A General’s Upbringing” – Legacy of General John J. Pershing Preserved Through State Historic Site

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star…

Quickly Raising Armies In The English Civil War – The Infantry, Or Foot, Were Divided Into Two Basic Units, The Pikes & The Muskets

By Guest Blogger Jemahl Evans England in the middle of the Seventeenth Century was the most demilitarized nation in Europe. Contemporary accounts claimed that at the…