History | War History

The Grand Old Duke of York: A British Military Reformer

Andrew Knighton

The grand old Duke of York He had ten thousand men He marched them up to the top of the hill And he marched them…

War Journalism During The American Civil War – Innovations And The Search For A Great Story

The American Civil War saw the rise of many new technologies, from weaponry to medical advances. An aspect of this were the changes taking place…

The Rise and Fall of the Chariot – It Changed History, But Eventually Was A Victim Of Its Own Success

The ability to move at speed around the battlefield can create huge advantages. Before the internal combustion engine, this was usually undertaken by horses. At…

How the Other Side Ate: Meals of Royal Naval Officers During The Napoleonic Wars

Officers of the Royal Navy at the turn of the 19th century were expected to live charmed and genteel lives. This was reflected in almost…

The Killing Fields of Wiltshire – By Geoff Moore

Geoff Moore

By Geoff Moore: www.thetraveltrunk.net Zeroing in on central Wiltshire, England for a weekend escape to the country has opened my eyes to a time in history that…

1904-5 The Russo-Japanese War: Japan Shatters Russia’s Navy and Global Perceptions

While Japan is today known as a leading nation in terms of technology, this was not the case in the late 19th and early 20th…

Against All Odds – Three Impressively Valiant Stands In War History

Sometimes men are faced with impossible odds, hopelessly outnumbered or facing a merciless enemy with better weapons or other overwhelming advantages. Occasionally these terrible odds…

Solid as a Rock: Holding Gibraltar Against All The Odds

Gibraltar is a small place, but it is full of history. Its total area is only 2.6 square miles, and this tiny landscape is dominated by…

Warrior Monks of Feudal Japan—These Monks Did Not Always Practice Peace

Imagine a Monk What do you see? Do you imagine the traditional Zen Buddhist monks of Japan, shaven-headed men in bright robes sitting in meditation…

The Tragedy Of The Russian Submarine “Kursk” – A Naval Disaster For Russia In The Year 2000

The Kursk submarine disaster was the largest naval tragedy ever to happen in the Russian Federation during peacetime.  The country had been experiencing a lot of…

The Walking Wounded – How Warfare And Healthcare Advanced Together Through The Ages

By Guest Blogger Helen Fraser For War History Online It cannot be denied that war is responsible for huge numbers of deaths, and an awful lot…

How The Royal Navy Fed Its Sailors Over 200 Years Ago

Gabe Christy

An army marches on its stomach, and while a Navy sails on the sea, its sailors still need feeding. In the 1790s and early 1800s,…