History | War History

The Fighting Temeraire: The 98-Gun Heroine of Trafalgar

Joseph Williams

The ship was named the Temeraire from the French téméraire which means bold, reckless, or rash. The actions of the ship’s crew might indeed have…

Drone Footage of USS Ranger on its Way to The Scrapyard

The video you will find below was shot using a drone. It shows the very last trip of the US Navy’s supercarrier USS Ranger. This…

The Wellington Boot : Footwear Inspired By A 19th Century War Hero

Jay Hemmings

The boot was perfect for riding, general use, and even informal evening wear. It soon became a hit, and it adopted Wellington’s name as the…

The Cavalry Officer at Waterloo Whose Amputated Leg Became a Tourist Attraction

Jay Hemmings

Despite the fact that eight horses were shot out from under him during these charges, he kept returning to the battle on fresh mounts. One…

The 5 Most Cringe-Worthy Military Mistakes of All Time

Christian Oord

“If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.” War is no laughing matter. However, there have been incidents…

Iron War Horses: British Armored Trains

Eileen Farrelly

First World War During the First World War, Britain commissioned two armored trains. The government was worried about the possibility of an invasion along the…

Five Over Complicated Weapon Systems in Warfare

Conan White

Admittedly sometimes you have to push technology in order to achieve something really special. But one cannot help wondering if the military tries far too…

From Wooden Horses to Rubber Tanks: The Greatest Military Deceptions

Matthew Gaskill

Warfighting is more than just bringing more and or better firepower to bear on the enemy. Many great strategists would tell you that many a…

The Worst Shark Attack In History & The Sinking Of The USS Indianapolis

Jay Hemmings

The 800-odd seamen who survived the sinking of the cruiser were greeted with a horrifying sight when the sun rose. Hundreds of shark fins cutting…

When British & African-American Soldiers Rioted Against Racist US Military Police

George Orwell remarked that “the general consensus of opinion is that the only American soldiers with any manners are the Negroes.” Allied military bases were…

The Mysterious Disappearance Of US Navy Flight 19

In countless books about unsolved mysteries, the so-called Bermuda Triangle, or the Devil’s Triangle as it is sometimes known, usually features prominently. The concept of…

El Cid: The Iconic Warrior who Inspired a 1960s Hollywood Movie

Christian Oord

Everyone fought against everyone else. It wasn’t just Moors against Christians, as is often assumed, but Christian against Christian and Moor against Moor. The figure…