History | War History

The Changing of the Guard Has a Centuries-Old History

Joseph Williams
Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace

Written by Joseph Williams and Clare Fitzgerald. Millions flock to Buckingham Palace each year to witness the famous Changing of the Guard. The majority are…

What Happened To All The Weapons & Kit After WWII Ended?

Jay Hemmings

The Second World War was the largest and deadliest conflict in all of human history. As such, a lot of weapons were produced and used…

The Fuhrer: The Opposite of the Super-Human He Longed For

One of the cornerstones of German Nazi mythos was the idea of the Übermensch – a superior human being who was a model of physical…

When Were Dog Tags First Used in the Military?

Claudia Mendes

These were metal discs on a bracelet which held the name of the soldier, their rank, and their formation. Dog tags and the military are…

The Worst Naval Loss in U.S. History That Never Was!

Joshua Baylor

As Blue turned and sailed away on its sentry course, oblivious to its own near destruction, the task force increased its speed for its final…

The Caterpillar Club: The Elite That No One Wants to Join, Though You Have to Survive First

Eileen Farrelly

While many clubs might difficult to join, not many have such unusual requirements for membership as the “Caterpillar Club.” It has been described as the…

Slugs of War Detecting Gas & Other Creatures Who Helped Win Wars

Eileen Farrelly

Mice and canaries also deserve credit for saving many lives during the First World War. These creatures were used to detect poisonous fumes in underground…

The Weapons of Bonnie & Clyde & the Guns That Stopped Them

Christian Oord

Who hasn’t heard of Bonnie and Clyde, the audacious gangsters who were both heroes and villains? There have been countless movies about this pair of…

Tough New York Gangster Monk Eastman Went on To Be a War Hero

The slums of New York City were notorious in their time for producing some of the most desperate, bloodthirsty, and depraved gangs and gangsters in…

The Concentration Camps of the Anglo-Boer War

Claudia Mendes

Concentration camps are usually linked to WWII and the horrors of the Holocaust. However, they were around long before this and were used by many…

Can a Leopard Really Change it Spots?

Conan White

There is an old saying: Can a leopard change its spots? Over the last 50 years, the German Leopard series of main battle tanks has…

The Epic 4000 Mile Long March of the Communist Chinese

Matthew Gaskill

Seeing the success and growth of the communists, Chiang Kai-shek and his allies began an all-out war with them. In England in 1215, King John…