History | War History

“I See No Ships” Facts You May Not Have Known About Horatio Nelson

Claudia Mendes

At the Battle of Cape St. Vincent, his right elbow was shattered by a musket ball during the attack, with the arm being removed by…

The Most Underwhelming War Movies EVER Made

The Green Berets almost immediately got zero stars from movie critics. It was knocked for using too many clichés. War is a very complex part…

Charging Into a Hail of Bullets, H Jones Led From the Front: The Hero of the Falklands

As Jones’s men advanced across the treeless terrain, they met a bout of Argentine fury.  On a particular headstone in Blue Beach War Cemetery there…

D-DAY: The Battle for Carpiquet Airport

Paul Woodadge

Early History The history of the airfield at the Normandy city of Caen goes back to 1937 when the French began construction west of the…

At 225 Years Old The USS Constitution is America’s Oldest Warship Still Afloat

Sarah Woodfin

After bringing the British crew aboard as prisoners, the Americans concluded Guerriere was too far gone to salvage and burned her. “Old Ironsides,” the U.S.…

A Most Terrifying Sight: The Royal Scots Greys and the Battle of Waterloo

Eileen Farrelly

Ponsonby was subsequently killed and his sword was taken, which was then used to kill three soldiers from his rescue party. The Royal Scots Greys…

The Flying Rhino: The Mach 1.8 F/A-18 Super Hornet

Jay Hemmings

With a range of around 500 miles when fully loaded for a mission, the Super Hornet has an effective range that is just over 40%…

Valley of Tears: The Yom Kippur War

Mark Shiffer

Streaming into the Golan Heights was an armored Syrian force of 1,400 tanks, supported by 1,000 artillery pieces and air power. On October 6th, 1973,…

The End of a Catholic Dream: The Jacobite Uprising of 1745

Billy Moncure

Ultimately, Charles’ invasion of England accomplished little. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 threw the entire course of British life and monarchy into chaos. Like many…

The Breakout Star of The Great Escape: No, Not Steve McQueen!

Paul Woodadge

He had lived in Israel for three years, where he carried a rifle for an oil company in the Negev Desert. He’d been a cowboy…

300 VS 2,000: The Magnificent Charge Of The British Heavy Brigade At Balaclava

Jay Hemmings

When Scarlett and his three hundred cavalrymen crashed into the midst of the Russians, it was like a tornado had hit them. The battle of…

Insect Infantry: Bee Bombs, Scorpion Grenades & Cyber Bugs

Ruslan Budnik

The Japanese used special bombs filled with infected fleas and dropped them over Chinese territories. If you say “army” or “weapons,” most people think of…