History | War History

A Pagan Crusade-The Franco-Mongolian Alliance

Billy Moncure

How could the Crusaders possibly justify working with people of a different religion? Many Europeans today remember the Mongols as a existential threat to Europe,…

How Britain Turned Back The Clock Against Luftwaffe

Christian Oord

It was devised as a way to save coal during the First World War. The concept of time has intrigued humanity as far back as…

The Irony – Nobel Peace Prize nominees included Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini

Claudia Mendes

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded yearly since 1901 with only 19 instances of no prize being awarded. The winner is determined by the…

WWII Snipers & The Rifles They Used To Rack Up Huge Scores

Jay Hemmings

While snipers were widely deployed by most of the various nations involved in the Second World War, no army really developed or produced a rifle…

The Amazing Lockheed P-38 Lightning, Best Plane of WW2?

With its radical yet impressive design, the Lockheed P-38 Lightning was a graceful fighter aircraft that epitomized a new level of craftsmanship in America’s military…

Conflict that Inspired a Football Rivalry – When Michigan & Ohio Almost Went to War

Billy Moncure

Conflicts break out between different countries over border disputes and access to natural resources all the time, but how about those between U.S. states? In…

Liechtenstein’s Army Returned Home From War With More Men Than it Left With

Matthias Pappas

Located between Switzerland and Austria, the country of Liechtenstein is one of the world’s smallest nations. Its current ruler, the constitutional monarch His Serene Highness…

It Was Brutal: Press Ganging, Keelhauling & Flogging in The Royal Navy

Jay Hemmings

Each blow of the cat would open up numerous wounds, enough of which could prove fatal, on the unfortunate sailor’s back. The British Royal Navy…

The Forgotten Atrocities of a Fascist Puppet State-Croatia in WW2

Billy Moncure

The Holocaust soon came to Croatia. On Pavelić’s first day in office, he declared that “offending the nation of Croatia” was punishable by death. The…

Punch Drunk at Karansebes –The Austrian Army That Fought Itself

Claudia Mendes

Battles generally consist of two opposing forces often from different countries or factions. The Battle of Karansebes is an exception: this deadly battle was fought…

Sunk & Forgotten -The Fate of the SS Oria’s 4000 POW’s

Throughout human history men have gone to war. Naval transport has created and broken empires, but the harshness of nature means sometimes those traveling by…

Amazing Drone Footage of the USS Alabama A.K.A “Lucky A”

The USS Alabama is indeed, of outstanding historic significance to the American people, having led a storied career as a World War II battleship, and…