History | War History

Medical Advances Of The American Civil War We Still Use Today

Elly Farelly

  There are many misconceptions about the medical treatment received by soldiers during the Civil War. Contemporary newspapers often carried exaggerated tales and horror stories…

With Suicidal Courage. US Commander Charges at Japanese Warships.

“This will be a fight against overwhelming odds from which survival cannot be expected. We will do what damage we can.” These were reportedly the…

From Axes to Artillery. Did Medieval Soldiers Suffer From PTSD?

Jay Hemmings

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a serious, often debilitating psychological affliction that is common in survivors of distressing physical, psychological and emotional trauma –…

From Bi-plane To Cutting Edge Stealth – The Invincible Sky Warrior

Conan White

Ever since the beginnings of warfare, reconnaissance has always had a vital role to play in understanding and defeating an enemy. At first reconnaissance was…

Pearl Harbor: Massive Mission for Midget Submarines, Part 2

Sarah Woodfin

This is Part 2 of a three-part series about the Japanese midget submarine attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II. Part 1 gives an…

The Sixth Crusade: An Excommunicated Emperor’s Journey to Jerusalem

When Charlemagne was made Emperor in 800CE by Pope Leo II, it began a complex relationship between church and state as both powers attempted to…

The Flying Aircraft Carriers The Cursed USS Akron class Airships

Conan White

Airship travel is one of the technologies that designers keep returning to, believing its potential has yet to be fully realized. Even today the British…

Did You Know During WW2, Britain & France Almost Became A Single Country

Jay Hemmings

For over a thousand years, Britain and France have had a tumultuous relationship. Ever since the Duke of Normandy, William the Conqueror, successfully invaded England…

Hellburners – 16th Century Weapons Of Mass Destruction Entire Ships Packed With Gunpowder

Jay Hemmings

When one thinks of weapons of mass destruction, such as incendiary weapons that can raze towns to the ground, or bombs that can level cities…

Ulfberht, Mysterious Viking Sword Made With Technology That Didn’t Exist For Another 800 Years

Ruslan Budnik

Ulfberht: unique swords with the inscription +VLFBERHT+ on the blade, dated between the 9th and 11th centuries. In the Viking Age, the privilege of having…

James Barry: The Girl Who Became a Man, Fought with Florence Nightingale

Charlotte Bond

Today, women openly serve in our armed forces as diligently as the men around them. However, in the past, women weren’t permitted to serve their…

Afrika Korps’ Last Soldier in America: In 1985 he Surrendered After 40 Years on The Run

Jay Hemmings

During the Second World War, around 450,000 German prisoners of war were incarcerated in 700 camps across the United States. After the war ended, these…