History | War History

Irish President Gave Official Condolences to Nazi Germany on the Suicide of Hitler

Claudia Mendes

Eamon de Valera has largely been forgotten by most of the world outside of the British Isles. However, he was an imposing figure in Irish…

Forgotten Hero of Korea: US General Who Saved the US Eighth Army in Korea & Just Like Patton Died As A Result Of An Accident In His Staff Car

Jay Hemmings

On the December 23, 1950, a military jeep with two occupants was traveling on a dirt road just outside Seoul, Korea. A convoy of trucks…

“The Victors” – More Than Likely One of The Best & Most Overlooked WW2 Movies?

Matthew Gaskill

In November 1963, Columbia Pictures released The Victors, a war film which was years ahead of its time. The cast was filled with stars from…

Six Cases in Which Servicemen Did Not Surrender When a War Ended

Ruslan Budnik

The history of warfare is full of examples of soldiers who refused to capitulate and continued to offer armed resistance after their side surrendered. Most…

Hitler’s House in The Center of the Scandal in Austria

Ruslan Budnik

On April 20, 1889 in the town of Braunau am Inn in Austria-Hungary, a woman gave birth to a boy who would grow up to…

List of Danish Nazis Made Available Online

In the years following the fall of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989, citizens of those countries were able to go through many of the…

The Plan Called For 1000 Steamships, The War Ended & They Were Left to Rot

During World War I. When the United States joined the Entente in 1917, it needed soldiers and supplies in large numbers quickly. Though mustering men…

Dreyse Needle-Gun, a Rifle That Won the 1866 Austro-Prussian War & Gave Birth To German Nation

Dejan Milivojevic

History runs its course, but sometimes there are things which push that course in a specific direction. There are some great examples from the past…

During the Draft in America, how did they choose who went to which branch and did what job?

Claudia Mendes

The draft was never popular, but during WWII it was deemed necessary. When the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 was signed by President…

The Failure of the Spartan System at Pylos

“The arrow would be worth a great deal if it could tell men of honor from the rest,” said a Spartan hoplite as his integrity…

Routinely Tortured, Jet Fighter Ace & The Only Man To Be Awarded The Air Force Cross 3 Times

Jay Hemmings

The Air Force Cross is the second highest decoration that can be awarded to a member of the United States Air Force for an act…

After One of the SEALs’ Darkest Days, Britt Slabinski Reluctantly Emerged with the Medal of Honor

Jeff Edwards

It can be said of most, if not all, recipients of the nation’s highest military honor that they had no thoughts of such accolades when…