History | War History

The 12 Top Secret Military Operations in History

It is not news that military outfits all over the world have large, sealed-off archives of highly classified information. Secret operations have been essential functions…

WW2 Stockpile of 1.5 million Purple Hearts is Now Running Out – Originally Made For The Invasion of Japan

Billy Moncure

Nowadays the Purple Heart is widely known as the medal given to members of the United States military who are injured or killed in action…

How Napoleon Won The Propaganda War – He Was Good At It

Elly Farelly

Napoleon was not the first military leader to make use of propaganda to promote his image. But what made Napoleon’s approach unique was the extent…

The Mighty Iowa-Class Ships, Formidable Weapons

Joseph O'Brien

Is there still a place for battleships in modern naval combat? Were these great steel beasts sent out to pasture too soon? Commissioned in World…

The American ‘Nazi party’ Grew to Disturbing Levels in the 1930s

Joseph O'Brien

Yes, there was a time in the 1930s when the Nazis were a political force not just in Germany but all over the world, including…

US Venture Recovers 230,000 gallons of Oil From Wreck of WW2 German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen

Ian Harvey

A warship that has been at the bottom of the ocean for more than seven decades has been lightened up considerably by a team of…

The Crazy Idea of a Flying Tank

Ruslan Budnik

After the appearance of tanks on the battlefield, there was a question of increasing their maneuverability and mobility. Soon, tracked tanks appeared, equipped with reinforced…

Medal Of Honor Recipient: The Soft-Spoken Man Became a Raging Bull

Jay Hemmings

War, for all its horror, violence and loss of life, also serves as one of the most harrowing tests of a man or woman’s true…

People Forget China’s conflict with Japan Cost at Least Ten Million Lives

Joseph Stalin once said: “The death of a man is a tragedy. The death of a million is a statistic.” Sadly, history seems to have…

The Military at Christmas, Violence and Fun

Morgan Deane

War is difficult under normal circumstances but becomes even more trying when the soldiers start to think about how they’re missing time with loved ones,…

Japanese Fighter Pilot Who, after Pearl Harbor, Crash-Landed on Hawaiian Island & Terrorized the Residents

Claudia Mendes

December 7, 1941, is remembered as the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, but it is also the day the Niihau Incident began. The incident involved…

George Ray Tweed: The Man Who Evaded The Japanese On Guam For Two Years

Jay Hemmings

In times of war, it is almost a given that men will push themselves far beyond their former limits to commit feats of extraordinary courage…