History | War History

The Mysterious Darwin Tunnels Two Are Even Abandoned in the Rainforest

David Baker

Many people have heard the rumors about the tunnels under Darwin, Australia. Two are open to the public, but there may be as many as…

How Firearms Changed Japan’s Way of War

For most of its existence prior to the nineteenth century, Japan lived in relative isolation. Foreigners sporadically contacted the remote nation, but until 1853, the…

Want to Experience Being a Crew Member on a B17? Great Footage Too

Ian Harvey

It’s hard to imagine what World War II bomber pilots experienced during their service. A pilot’s work was a risky business. They battled not only…

Custer’s Last Stand Still Famous For Its Ineptitude

Ian Harvey

The Battle of Little Big Horn is easily one of the most famous military conflicts of 19th century America. Books have been written about it,…

All Apache Helicopters Get Emergency Retrofit for US Army

The US Army has ordered emergency retrofits on AH-64E Apache helicopters in order to verify that the fasteners on their rotor blades are not defective.…

“Duck and Cover” – Futile Measures, or a Life-Saving Plan?

Billy Moncure

Every American who went to school in the 1950s or 60s will remember air raid drills, the “Duck and Cover” slogan, and talk of fallout…

Crazy! They Started a Bloody War Over a Bucket

Ian Harvey

Wars have been fought for all kinds of reasons: political ideology, religion, and territory, to name but three. A reason that seems perfectly reasonable to…

Tracking Santa and Nuclear Missiles – 5 Interesting Facts About NORAD

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is an organization run by the governments of Canada and the United States. Its function is to constantly…

Hunter of the Bismarck and Gallant Warrior of the Sea – HMS Ark Royal

Marvellous Ojo

HMS Ark Royal was built in Birkenhead, England from 1934 to 1938. It was designed to conform to the standards of the Washington Naval Treaty.…

Women Join the Ranks to Keep WWII History Alive

Ruslan Budnik

“A nation that forgets its past has no future.” -Winston Churchill Currently in Belarus, more than ten clubs with a combined total of over 500…

Abandoned Military Bases Left to Rot are Reminders of War

David Baker

Wars are not intended to last forever, thank goodness, even though those fighting them and civilians enduring them probably feel that they might. And the…

Arthur Ashe’s Brother Did 2nd Tour in Vietnam so he Could be a Tennis Legend

Ian Harvey

During the spring of 1967, Army Second Lieutenant Arthur Ashe was practicing his tennis skills. He was a talented amateur player who was considered a…