History | War History

Why the Viet Cong’s Tunnels Were So Deadly And Highly Effective

Tunnels in Vietnam

Of all of the nasty, uncomfortable, deadly, and outright terrifying jobs carried about by those who served in the Vietnam War, clearing Viet Cong tunnels…

The Battle of Bloody Ridge Definitely Earned Its Name During The Korean War

UN Troops Take Bloody Ridge

The Korean War saw United Nations and North Korean forces repeatedly bounce back and forth between gaining territory and quickly losing it. UN troops were…

The Battle of Taejon And Its Importance In The Korean War

The battle of taejon

The Battle of Taejon was a battle that took place early in the Korean War, it was also one of the most important of the…

The M60 Machine Gun Has Withstood the Test of Time, Here’s Why

M-60 Machine Gun and Julie Andrews

The M60 machine gun is as much a symbol of the Vietnam War as the peace sign. This weapon was loved and loathed – it…

The Iconic Colt Single Action Army Certainly Earned Its ‘Peacemaker’ Name

The Colt Peacemaker

The Colt Single Action Army, also known as the Peacemaker, was a handgun that has been seen everywhere from the gunfight at O.K. Corral to…

The HMS Dreadnought (1906) is the Only Battleship to Sink a Submarine

1906 Dreadnought

The HMS Dreadnought was a vessel that quite literally changed the path of naval warfare and design philosophy. She brought in a whole host of…

The MiG-31: A Soviet-Era Interceptor That’s Faster Than Any Western Combat Jet Currently In Service


Designed as a slightly more refined and civilized version of the MiG-25 Foxbat, the MiG-31 is an aircraft that has remained mysterious to the West…

The Shotguns of WWII: Model 1897 and Model 1912

Model 12 during Okinawa

Aside from a flame thrower, there are few close-range weapons as deadly as a shotgun. Shotguns are terrifyingly effective at short ranges, as their shot…

Smith & Wesson Model 29: Dirty Harry’s Go-To Pistol

The .44 Magnum, the most … famous handgun in the world. The original quote is about the Smith & Wesson Model 29, a double-action revolver…

The Bofors 40MM Revolutionized Anti-Aircraft Combat

Boros 40mm Anti-Aircraft Gun

The job of an anti-aircraft gun is surprisingly demanding. It must be able to destroy or deter a fast-moving target by aiming not where it…

The Most Iconic Last Words in Military History: General John Sedgwick

General John Sedgwick was a United States military general in the Union Army during the American Civil War. Known as a dependable and brave man,…

Four US Presidents Who Were Battle-Hardened Generals

Andrew Jackson + Ulysses S. Grant + Zachary Taylor + Theodore Roosevelt

Considering the President of the United States is the Commander-in-Chief, it’s surprising military experience is not a requirement for the job. Despite this, many former…