History | War History

Stars and Stripes: A Symbol of Hope for American POWs

War History Online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jennifer Grant who writes on behalf of American Flags The United States has sent millions of people…

Resistance Warriors of the Philippines

War History Online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Pacificatrocities.org The Imperial Japanese Forces attacked Pearl Harbor and the Philippine Islands simultaneously. This planned attack…

Russian Rambo of WWII

During the Great Patriotic War, as the Second World War is known by the Russians, there were several occasions when one or more soldiers of…

Dirty Dozen to Nightriders: Our Favorite Air Force Squadron Nicknames

War History Online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jennifer Grant who writes on behalf of the American Flags Each year, approximately 1,200 young men and…

P-40 Warhawk Workhorse of the Australia and New Guinea Campaigns

After its initial success in Southeast Asia, the Japanese military turned their attention to Australia and the port city of Darwin located in Australia’s Northern…

Evolution of AMMO

War History Online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Thomas who writes on behalf of  SWGGUN There are many things that we take for granted every…

Best Commerce Raider in History – CSS Alabama

In 200 feet of water off the north coast of France, near the port of Cherbourg, lies a Confederate warship which never saw a Confederate…

Diary Reveals Firsthand Account of Fierce Turkish-Russian Battles

War History Online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jack Snowden Following the calamitous defeat of the Turkish army at Sarıkamış in late 1914 and early 1915,…

The rebellion of Mary Tudor – she was joined by more than 15,000 men

On July 6, 1553, Edward VI, King of England, lay dead, but only a few people knew about it. The powerful Duke of Northumberland was…

Lone Star Bear: An Independent California

Far removed from Mexico City, the territory of California lived in near autonomy from its nominal government leadership, be that of the Governor of New…

A Game of Dominoes that Led to a Humanitarian Crisis

Praise Ojo

A misplaced agenda by the Muslims in the north to take out their Christian rivals led to the killing of the Igbo people in that…

The Stubborn 3 Year Siege of Smolensk

The Time of Troubles is one of the most difficult periods in the history of Russia.  It was an era marked by a grave state…