History | War History


At the height of the Vietnam War, in 1968, it was found that the US Navy registered low performance against the North Vietnamese fighters in…

Mighty Eighth Vets: A Ball Turret Gunner & Navigator Roles in the City of Savannah Restoration

Hundreds of men and women have contributed to the restoration of the B-17 City of Savannah at the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air…

Nigerian Civil War – The Ashes Linger

Hostilities in the Nigerian civil war commenced on the 6th day of June 1967; it is one of the sourest conflicts ever to (dis)grace the…

Ensign Jumonville, George Washington & the Dawn of The Seven Years’ War

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No one expected Joseph Coulon de Villiers (1718-1754) to be the cause of a worldwide conflict. A minor French noble, Sieur de Jumonville became an…

Commandos – Keeping Discipline in the Boer Army

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The second Anglo-Boer War, also called the South African War, started on 11 October 1899. Two young Boer republics were pitted against the might of…

China’s Red Guard and the Cultural Revolution

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Dean Smith “At this moment of potential national emergency, Mao chose to smash the Chinese State and…

The Halls of Montezuma: Marines at Chapultepec

In 1846, the United States of America went to war with the United Mexican States. Political maneuvering by President James K. Polk and a vested…

For Profit and Glory: The Start of the First Opium War

The Opium Wars extended the might of the British Empire to the remote Chinese Empire, expanding its trade and national prestige. In exchange, China would…

Custer vs J.E.B. Stuart – The Day Two Cavalry Legends Faced Off at Gettysburg

In the muggy heat of July, 1863, two armies met in the small town of Gettysburg, PA in a battle that would decide the fate…

A Rising Sun: Japan’s Army Modernization

The Empire of Japan cut a bloody swath through the Pacific, committing horrendous atrocities in its desperate bid for resources, prestige, and racial superiority. The…

The Knights Hospitaller and the Great Siege of Malta

In 1530, the Knights Hospitaller were given control of the island of Malta. 35 years later, in 1565, the Ottoman Empire invaded the island. The…

Russia’s 1st Naval Victory – Defeating Sweden at the Battle of Gangut

The Great Northern War (1700 – 1721) pitted two great warrior leaders against one another for over 20 years – Peter I of Russia and…