Japanese Fire Balloons and the Tragic Tale of the Last WWII Casualties on US Soil

The Revolutionary and the Civil War tore North America apart, but the World Wars and most subsequent conflicts have been largely fought beyond its borders –…

The Murky Fate Of Gestapo Chief And Nazi War Criminal Heinrich Müller

A veil of mystery follows the name “Heinrich Muller” since his disappearance in 1945, after the fall of Berlin. Mueller was the head of Gestapo…

12 Ways the British Army Adapted to Fighting in the Americas

Fighting in the Americas was the great challenge facing the 18th-century British army. Whether confronted with French, Spanish, native or colonial troops, they had to…

The Secrets Locked inside a Shipwrecked Trumpet

It doesn’t look like the sort of object that might contain historical secrets, locked away inside. In fact, it looks more like something you could find…

Three Outstanding Books That Encapsulate The Battleship Age – From Seaforth

I’ve got six books about the Battle of Jutland on the ‘to do’ pile and I have to admit there is no way I will…

Remembering Sir Nicholas Winton, British “Schindler” Who Rescued Hundreds of Children During the Holocaust

Hundreds of people who were rescued as children by a man described as “Britain’s Oskar Schindler” gathered together to attend a special service in honor…

Recollections and Experiences of a United States Troop Carrier Squadron Officer in Normandy

In memory of Col. Frank W. Hansley (1917-2003) Air power was a key component to the Allied victory in WWII. The mobility and maneuverability of…

Fort Worth City Council Stops Plan To Bring Back a B-58 Hustler

Lack of cash and the ability of the Fort Worth Air Museum to repay a loan of $250,000 has stopped a project to transport a…


I am a big fan of the illustrated books from Zenith Press. The company places a heavy emphasis on modern American history and presents it…

These 44 Pictures Of The German Side Show What The Allies Were Up Against On D-Day

In June 1944, the Western-Allies had a tough test to pass. They had to breach the formidable Atlantic Wall, defended by the mighty German army.…

Behind Enemy Lines – The 82nd and 101st Airborne On D-Day

The amphibious landings of D-Day were hours away when the first combat missions by the US Army started in France. The invasion of Normandy began…

Gold, Juno And Sword – The British and Canadian Landings on D-Day

Today, the Normandy landings might be most associated with the iconic photos of Omaha Beach, but let us not forget that there were five sectors…