Rehearsal for D-Day: Operation Tiger – The Disaster At Slapton Sands

Alex Kershaw

A final, deadly dress rehearsal for D-Day shocked Allied planners to the core. Confidence was vital to success in such a risky operation as the…

Baron Jean De Selys Longchamps & The “Forbidden” Attack On Gestapo HQ

Noor Muhammad

It was January 20, 1943, when the people of Brussels saw the German occupying forces getting their due reward at the hands of a Hawker…

The Worst Naval Loss in U.S. History That Never Was!

Joshua Baylor

As Blue turned and sailed away on its sentry course, oblivious to its own near destruction, the task force increased its speed for its final…

The Caterpillar Club: The Elite That No One Wants to Join, Though You Have to Survive First

Eileen Farrelly

While many clubs might difficult to join, not many have such unusual requirements for membership as the “Caterpillar Club.” It has been described as the…

Slugs of War Detecting Gas & Other Creatures Who Helped Win Wars

Eileen Farrelly

Mice and canaries also deserve credit for saving many lives during the First World War. These creatures were used to detect poisonous fumes in underground…

The Elite Scottish Warriors who Helped Joan of Arc

Billy Moncure

The English eventually forced their way across the bridge but were met and outflanked by the larger force. The Duke of Clarence was killed, and…

A History Of The Trench Coat – A Military Garment With Origins Far Older Than WWI

Jay Hemmings

The WWI Burberry had evolved for war use, featuring D-rings on the belt to attach equipment, a pistol flap in the breast, epaulets to display…

Rare Viking Ship Discovered in Norway

Ian Harvey

This 65-foot ship, as one of the longest identified to date, points to ownership by a king, queen, or important chieftain of a Viking group.…

Fort Sumter & The First Shots of the American Civil War

Geoff Moore

Located on a man-made (or rather slave-made) island at a key position in Charleston harbor is Fort Sumter. On April 13, 1861, a bombardment of…

Flamethrowers: Five Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

The fear of fire is an inherent trait in both man and beast. On the pages of the history of war, many tales of devastating fire…

Northrop N-9M Smashes Into a Penitentiary Exercise Yard, Pilot Loses His Life

Ian Harvey

On Monday, April 21, 2019, inmates at the California Rehabilitation Centre got the fright of their lives when a plane crashed into the prison exercise…

The Amazing Story of Survival Behind The Movie Into The White

Jay Hemmings

Winter in Norway is a harsh affair. For people caught outdoors in the wilderness without shelter, the unforgiving climate can be fatal. During the Second…