The B-32 Dominator: The Heavy Bomber in Service for Less Than a Year

Nikola Budanovic
b32 dominator

Many history buffs will be familiar with the B-29 Superfortress, which is perhaps best known as the aircraft which carried the atomic bomb during the…

The Rab Concentration Camp – A Disturbingly ‘Forgotten’ Piece of History

Billy Moncure

Rab has long been the site of violence between Italians and Slavs, with both fighting for control of the island for the past 1,500 years.…

Life in the Cauldron: The Tough Experience of British Troops Cut Off at Arnhem

On the 17th of September 1944, General Montgomery launched one of Britain’s most famously flawed missions of World War Two: Market Garden. In an attempt…

The French Nazi Troops & the Battle of Berlin

Ian Harvey

It’s a little-known fact that there were French volunteers who fought on behalf of the Nazis during the Second World War. They had divisions of…

Horses Really Were These Soldiers Best Friend

Ian Harvey

There is a widespread belief in North America that dogs are “man’s best friend,” but if you had asked the men who rode the equines described…

Führer’s Military Incompetence, Did it Cost the Third Reich the War

Billy Moncure

Analysis of Hitler’s military ability has always been controversial, in no small part due to a conflict between the Nazis portraying themselves as an elite…

The Wild Bunch Showed the Mexican Revolution as it Really Was

Steve MacGregor
pancho mexican revolution

Sam Peckinpah and the making of The Wild Bunch A little more than 50 years ago, director Sam Peckinpah was looking forward to making a…

10 Luftwaffe Aircraft Certainly Gave the Allies Cause for Concern

Conan White

This top ten aircraft list of the Luftwaffe is intended not only to reflect the success or high numbers of any one particular design, but…

Home-grown British Plot to Kill Eisenhower and Montgomery in London

Ian Harvey

During World War Two, the British Secret Services had their work cut out for them. Not only did they have to deal with foreign agents…

The Strange Looking Fw-189 The Flying Eye of the Luftwaffe in Pictures

Nikola Budanovic

In the years leading up to WWII, the Focke-Wulf Company was at the very forefront of German aircraft design. It produced cutting-edge technology which would…

Former Nazi SS Camp Guard, 94, Goes on Trial in Germany

Ian Harvey

Johann Rehbogen, a former enlisted SS soldier who is now accused of being an accessory to murder, has gone on trial. He was a guard at the…

The Iconic Luger versus the Iconic Colt 1911

Steve Macgregor

At the end of the nineteenth century, pistol designers were looking at ways to improve on the revolver which was at that time the standard…