Private Colonialism: The American Filibuster Who Became President

In what was a golden era for political opportunists. Filibusters seemed to thrive in the mid-19th century. The main driving aim of filibusters was imperialism,…

Desert Storm – 1st Gulf War Gets Its Own Memorial

The National Mall in downtown Washington contains different memorials to every war that the United States has been involved in. Included are the memorial to…

The Sack of Cádiz: The Cost of War

On the 3rd of June, 1596, the Anglo-Dutch fleet set sail under the command of Charles Howard and Robert Devereux, the Earl of Wessex.  The…

13 Roles Soviet Women Filled in WW2

As they started running out of manpower, many nations in the Second World War turned to their womenfolk to staff their war machines. In most…

The Heat Is On! Tankfest 2018

Friday is now heralded as rehearsal day with a limited program in the arena. It was possible to have a choice of spots to snap…

Stonewall Jackson’s Early Masterpiece – The Shenandoah Valley

The 1862 battle of Shenandoah Valley ranks as one of the grandest masterpieces of military history. The Shenandoah Valley situated in Virginia and bounded to…

US Armored Recon – M8 Greyhound with 30 photos

Armored warfare excelled during the Second World War, and the future seemed to be written on the turret of a tank. But still, technology was…

Disaster in the East – 1915 Winter Offensive Against Russia

At the start of 1915, the Central Powers had high hopes for the Eastern Front. By launching massive attacks early in the year, they hoped…

Barbary Pirates and White Slavery

The term “Barbary’ is an adjective that refers to the inhabitants of the coastal regions of North Africa. The ethnic group indigenous to this region…

War & Peace – Is Man Prone to War Naturally?

An ongoing debate exists as to whether humans are innately aggressive creatures prone to warfare and violence, or if they only become that way as…

Faithful to the End – Service Dogs that Defied the Germans

In the Ukrainian village of Legezino in the Cherkassy region, there is a monument to “Heroes of frontier guards and their dogs.” It is devoted…

Chesty Puller: The Quintessential Marine

If “the most decorated U.S. Marine” sounds to you like the kind of superlative statement that belongs in the script of a badly-written video game,…