An Island Too Far: The disastrous Sicilian Expedition

Sparta and Athens fought the epic Peloponnesian War over several decades, which involved massive battles on land and sea, it saw one of the first…

The Black Dispatches From the Civil War Spies

The typical Southern officer’s opinion of African Americans was that they were an inferior subhuman race, lacking in intelligence or cunning. Their ignorance and subsequent…

Firing From the Hip: With a Modified Aircraft Machinegun, Corporal Tony Stein Fired His Way Across Iwo Jima

Jeff Edwards

The ability to improvise, adapt, and overcome has long been a core ethos of the United States Marine.  While one could find many examples from…

Five Ways Napoleon Made Himself into the New Charlemagne

One of the most powerful tools in Napoleon Bonaparte’s intellectual arsenal was the connections he drew between his own life and that of great figures…

The Civil War Photographer that Time Forgot: Alexander Gardner

When people remember famous Civil War photographers, they think of one name in particular; and “Alexander Gardner” is not it. However, a significant number of…

Boudica’s Uprising: A Fearsome Challenge To The Might Of Ancient Rome

The coastal county of Norfolk in the south-east of England is a peaceful place. Little villages are scattered throughout a patchwork of fertile fields and…

Joachim Peiper’s Atrocities Against Allied Troops: When Intimidation Failed

The forces of Nazi Germany are infamous for the atrocities they committed. The SS, who played a dual role, both acting as frontline troops and…

1904-5 The Russo-Japanese War: Japan Shatters Russia’s Navy and Global Perceptions

While Japan is today known as a leading nation in terms of technology, this was not the case in the late 19th and early 20th…

Leading by Example: John J. Pershing, Prime Mentor for Future US Army Generals

The United States greatest leaders, including Patton, Truman, and MacArthur, spent the formative years of their military careers under the command of General of the…

By Air and Sea – Veteran Served As Radioman Aboard Navy Seaplanes During Korean War

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star Families…

The Biggest Nuclear Explosions Of Military History

Jinny McCormick

Most of us have seen footage or photographs of the explosions at Nagasaki and Hiroshima: the mushroom cloud, the radius, the devastation. Those, however, were…

Bismarck Shipwreck: How the Wreck of the Bismarck Came to Rest on the Ocean Floor

Some years ago I was lucky enough to spend some time with a rear gunner of a Swordfish (“stringbag”) that was one of the planes…