The Tragedy of the Destroyer USS Leopold

Convoy escort during WWII could be both a terrifying or dull affair. Sailors spent hours peering into gray seas, searching for and dreading the prospect…

Sergeant York – I hear you have captured the whole German army “No Sir, only 132”

Sergeant Alvin York was seemingly born to a hardscrabble existence and anonymity in death, but World War One changed that forever. The story of York is…

Glorious Gloster Single Handedly Charges Chinese Bunker Twice, Threw Grenade With His Last Breath, Saves His Men

Jeff Edwards

It has often been said of both faith and war, that greater love hath no man than the one who lays down his life for…

The Flaming Coffin, The German Heavy Dive Bomber The Luftwaffe Hated

The Heinkel He 177 Greif (Griffin) was an aircraft doomed from the start of its inception. Its design was intrinsically flawed, its engines frequently caught…

Para Rescue Jumper Duane Hackney, The Most Decorated Enlisted Man in US Air Force History

An Air Force Cross, the Silver Star, 4 Distinguished Flying Crosses with a Combat V, 2 Purple Hearts, 18 Air Medals, and ok, we have…

Images Of War – Two New Books From Michael Green – Review By Mark Barnes

We have in front of us two books by the American historian Michael Green in the Images of War series from Pen & Sword. If…

Marine Horse “Reckless” Received Two Purple Hearts And Was Promoted To Staff Sergeant

This is not the story of a pet pony, an amusing tale of a Mr. Ed companion, or even the story of an amusing diversion…

Key Artillery Techniques of WWI

One of the great revelations of the First World War was the vast destructive power of artillery. Never before had so many guns of such…

7 Ways English Lords Fought Against Welsh Raiders

Throughout the 13th century, there was conflict in the border region between England and Wales. This area, known as the Welsh March, contained both English…

World of Tanks Unleashes Its 5th New War Stories Campaign

The Battle of El Alamein takes an alternative historic turn in ‘Runaway Tiger‘ Wargaming has announced the newest War Stories campaign ‘Runaway Tiger’, which is…

A Place of Tension Between Nations – The Korean Demilitarized Zone

For most of the world, the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) serves as a reminder of the Korean War, a war that was fought in the…

The E.A. Stevens: A Ship Ahead of its Time

The 19th century saw an incredible advance in ship designs, from full-rigged wooden ships to enormous iron and steam liners. Progress was achieved through experimentation,…