Korean War | War History

MoH: This wounded man leaped off his stretcher & started taking out North Korean fighters with his entrenching tool

Jeff Edwards

It has often been said that you can’t keep a good man down. In the case of Benjamin F. Wilson, the medical personnel trying to…

The US Pilot Who Chased a MiG to China To Shoot It Down, then Survived the Hanoi Hilton

James Robinson “Robbie ” Risner was an American military pilot, a double recipient of the Air Force Cross and a hero of the Korean and…

Holding a .30 cal, despite the burns & his bleeding wound, he continued to fire until defensive positions were established

Jeff Edwards

When one posthumously receives the Medal of Honor, it is assumed that they died in combat performing the gallant action that warranted the nation’s highest…

The Man Who Bought – And Wore – A Medal of Honor Which Was Not His

Military stories vary widely: some are the moments that make history, secure victories or result in resounding losses. Others are merely moments of day to…

He Crashed his Plane to Save a Friend and Was Awarded the Medal Of Honor

Between November 27th, and December 13th, 1950, 30,000 United Nations troops fought a desperate defense while surrounded by 120,000 Chinese soldiers. The U.N. troops were part…

Marine Who Held Machine Gun Alone Was Found Next Morning With Over 200 Dead Enemies Around Him

Jeff Edwards

The history of war is comprised of many occupational specialties necessary for military victory.  Within the culture of Military Service, one would often find rivalries…

Badly Wounded, Marine Used His Spade Like a Baseball Bat To Knock Grenades Back At The Enemy

Jeff Edwards

Hector Cafferatta would describe himself as the world’s worst baseball player, but that did not stop him from whacking over a dozen grenades out of…

Marine Horse “Reckless” Received Two Purple Hearts, Was Promoted To Staff Sergeant

This is not the story of a pet pony, an amusing tale of a Mr. Ed companion, or even the story of an amusing diversion…

John Glenn, Astronaut & Senator Who Flew Combat Missions in WW2 & Korea – shot down 3 MiG-15s

John Glenn, born July 18, 1921, was the oldest living former U.S. senator until his death on December 8. Before his 25-year career in the…

Korean War: General Dean, Destroyed an Enemy Tank & Escaped Capture For 36 Days – Then His Ordeal As POW Started

Jeff Edwards

Early on after the start of the Korean War, it became clear that superior North Korean numbers and ill-prepared South Korea defenders would mean a…

Medal of Honor: Nominated 4 Times: Survived a Concentration Camp, Went Berserker & Took on the Korean Army with a .30 Caliber Machine Gun

Greg Jackson

Tibor Rubin, who was of Jewish descent, was captured by the Nazis during World War Two and was imprisoned in a concentration camp. Luckily, he…

A Glorious Gloster Single Handedly Charges a Chinese Bunker Twice, Threw a Grenade With His Last Breath, Saves His Men

Jeff Edwards

It has often been said of both faith and war, that greater love hath no man than the one who lays down his life for…