Korean War | War History

Korean War: General Dean, Destroyed an Enemy Tank & Escaped Capture For 36 Days – Then His Ordeal As POW Started

Jeff Edwards

Early on after the start of the Korean War, it became clear that superior North Korean numbers and ill-prepared South Korea defenders would mean a…

Medal of Honor: Nominated 4 Times: Survived a Concentration Camp, Went Berserker & Took on the Korean Army with a .30 Caliber Machine Gun

Greg Jackson

Tibor Rubin, who was of Jewish descent, was captured by the Nazis during World War Two and was imprisoned in a concentration camp. Luckily, he…

A Glorious Gloster Single Handedly Charges a Chinese Bunker Twice, Threw a Grenade With His Last Breath, Saves His Men

Jeff Edwards

It has often been said of both faith and war, that greater love hath no man than the one who lays down his life for…

Oi Give it Back: How the Soviets Stole an American F-86 Sabre Jet in 1951

During the Korean War (1950 to 1953) America and her allies sided with South Korea, while Russia and China sided with North Korea. Among their…

The Man who Lead the Last American Bayonet Charge

The grizzled-looking redhead, complete with a handlebar mustache, charged with his men. Their enemy did not stand a chance as they had very sophisticated weapons…

Medal of Honor Warrior – Nominated 4 Times: Survived a Concentration Camp, Went Berserker & Took on the Korean Army with a .30 Caliber Machine Gun

Jack Beckett

Tibor Rubin, who was of Jewish descent, was captured by the Nazis during World War Two and was imprisoned in a concentration camp. Luckily, he…

The First Jet Versus Jet War: Air Power in the Korean War

During the dying days of WWII, both sides fielded jet fighters, but they were experimental aircraft. Propeller-driven fighters still dominated the skies. The first jet…

Probably Only Officer Court Martialed for Desertion Awarded Medal of Honor for Leading Bayonet Charge

Jeff Edwards

Some men were born to fight and so much so that they are not going to let few Army “suggestions” like not deserting your unit…

“Leaving the farm” – Korean War-era draft provides Army veteran with experience in Germany

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star…

7 Kills In WWII and 14 In Korea, US Flying Ace George Davis Died When He Took On 12 MiGs

Jeff Edwards

In all the airspace in all the world, there was no other place Major George Davis would rather be than “MiG Alley.”  Bordering the Yalu…

Major Charles J. Loring Jr: Dived Into a Korean Artillery Battery

Jeff Edwards

When people speak of a plane recklessly and intentionally diving into an enemy, the word Kamikaze comes to mind. A desperate tactic deployed by the…

The Korean War – A Messy Conflict In The 1950s

Lincoln Riddle

The Korean War was fought as a result of the Soviet Union moving into what is now North Korea and the United States moving into…