Machinery & Gear | War History

Machine Guns – Rapid Early Development Of A Deadly, Game-Changing Technology

In the second half of the 19th century, industrialized nations entered an arms race to produce the best machine-gun. This new type of weapon was…

Battlecruisers: A Flawed Naval Experiment of WWI

WWI was a time of change in naval warfare. Heavy dreadnoughts were replacing older, more vulnerable ships. Submarines made their first serious appearance in combat.…

From A Man of God to Men of War – Great Innovators in the History of Firearms

As handheld guns developed, many people contributed to creating the technology used in the ones we have today. Here are some of the innovators who…

“The God of War” – Soviet Artillery of the Cold War

The Russian army referred to artillery as “the god of war.” Its destructive power not only shattered enemy formations but also transformed the shape of…

Tanks and Fighting Vehicles – The Development of Military Technology Between The Wars

Between the World Wars, the most powerful nations turned their attention to improving vehicles for use in wartime. WWI had established the value of the…

After A Mid Air Collision – One Pilot Lands Both Planes

In 1940, two planes collided in mid-air over Australia. Remarkably, there were no fatalities. Even more remarkably, the pilot responsible for saving the planes was…

Handheld Firearms – Hundreds of Years of Transformation and Improvement

Handguns have gone through many changes over the centuries. From simple gunpowder weapons to sophisticated modern firepower, they have repeatedly been transformed and improved. Early…

Amazing Technology – The Rapid Development of Deadly Fighter Aircraft

A deadly flash racing across the sky, the fighter plane is one of the most exciting tools of modern warfare. How did we get to…

Light Machine-Guns of WWI – The Rapid Advance Of Deadly Technology

WWI produced many innovations in weapons design. For the first time in history, significant changes occurred during only a few years of fighting. Light machine-guns…

Warfare Under the Waves – Submarines in the First World War

Submarines were among the important new technologies that came to the fore during WWI. Although work on submarines had been underway for decades, it was…

The Hurricane: A Very Important Fighter in the Battle of Britain

The Spitfire is widely recognized as the plane that fought the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain. Another plane, however, was just as crucial to…

John Reginald Gorman – The Amazing Irish Kamikaze Tank Buster

In WWII, the Germans had a reputation for their formidable technology. What they did not consider, however, was the formidable Irish reputation for bullishness. John…