Machinery & Gear | War History

Tanks For The Memories: The First Ever Tank Commander, by The Tank Museum

The first man ever to command a tank in battle only volunteered for the secret mission because learning to fly aeroplanes was so dangerous, his…

15 Facts & Images About One of The Best Inventions of WW2 – The DUKW

The DUKW, also known as the “Duck,” was a six-wheeled amphibious vehicle used in World War II by the US military for transporting good and…

The Mighty Japanese Battleship Musashi — The Launch that Flooded Nagasaki

It was one of the biggest ships to ever ply the seas and ensure Japan’s conquest of the Asia-Pacific region during WWII. It was so…

John Reginald Gorman – The Amazing Irish Kamikaze Tank Buster

In WWII, the Germans had a reputation for their formidable technology. What they did not consider, however, was the formidable Irish reputation for bullishness. John…

The Beautiful American Ship USS Constitution Was Built In 1797 And Is Still Afloat Today

“Old Ironsides”, the USS Constitution, has been through it all and lived to tell about it – as her nickname suggests. Built of a study oak,…

The AK-47 – Top Facts – The Most Iconic and Widely used Assault Rifle in the World

Andrew Knighton

The AK-47 is the most iconic and widely used assault rifle in the world. Here are some facts about this hugely influential weapon. Inspired by…

Awesome Sounds and Jaw-Dropping Visuals as the Mosquito FB26 Does a Low-Level Flyby (Watch)

The de Havilland Mosquito FB26 is a fast bomber that served in the British Royal Air Force during and after World War II. It was…

The Argentinian Side of the Falklands War

The Falklands War is often perceived, from the British perspective, as a victory that confirmed the British imperial status in the post-WWII world. It won…

The United States Navy’s First Submarine – Lost at Sea

The USS Alligator was the first known submarine of the United States Navy. But it wasn’t the first American submarine. That was the “Turtle,” a…

Gunner: An Australian Shepherd Dog that could hear Enemy Aircraft miles away

Dogs have always been part of the history of warfare, for man’s best friend is a friend indeed if he sticks with him in times…

8 Heavy Machine-guns of WWI

The heavy machine-gun was the defining weapon of WWI. It’s devastating firepower wiped out entire units of infantry in moments, halting the offensives that the…

Famous Firearms from History

Andrew Knighton

The Dreyse Needle Gun The great needle gun was the first bolt-action breech-loading rifle in history. It gave the Prussian army a huge advantage during…