Machinery & Gear | War History

Five Facts – The Deadly Snipers of the First World War

When the First World War broke out in August 1914, few could have imagined the monumental events that were to come. The conflict changed the…

The Mail Plane That Hunted Japanese Planes After Pearl Harbor

On the 75th anniversary of the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, there was a plane with a unique story to tell. It is one of the…

Dropping A Smaller Fighter From The Bomb Bay – The Out-Of-This-World XF-85 Goblin

Imagine WWII-era bombers serving as motherships for egg-shaped fighter jets dropped out of the bomb bay. Sound like a Si-Fi flick? Well, it’s not. Enter…

The Martin PBM Mariner was the Accident-Prone Forerunner Of The 2016 Oshkosh Star Martin Mars

In this DAKOTA HUNTER Blog, you will read the story and see the photos of the somewhat forgotten Martin PBM Mariner. A less successful forerunner…

Fast Facts – The German WW2 V1 Buzzbomb

Quickfire: 20 facts about the V1 Buzzbomb – here we go! 1) The V1 stands for Vergeltungswaffe-1, German for retaliatory weapons and they were developed to…

Totally Outgunned, This Revenue Cutter Took Down one of the Largest French privateers in the Carribean

There are few moments in Naval History which better demonstrate how tenacity and skill can outweigh size and strength than the story of the Pickering…

This Fighter Pilot Saved a Bomber Squadron From German Fighter Attacks For over Half an Hour – Alone

During WWII, he single-handedly protected a bomber squadron against German planes… even when he ran out of ammo. They called him the “One Man Airforce”…

The Original Assault Rifle – Firing An Original Iconic Sturmgewehr 44 In Texas (Watch)

Often credited as the catalyst for the entire weapons class known the assault rifle, the STG 44 was one of the first compact guns to…

Civil War Showdown: The Henry Rifle vs The Spencer Rifle (Watch)

During the American Civil War, lasting from 1861 to 1865, the Henry rifle and the Spencer rifle saw considerable use on the battlefield. Members of…

The Argentinian Side of the Falklands War

The Falklands War is often perceived, from the British perspective, as a victory that confirmed the British imperial status in the post-WWII world. It won…

The Gigantic 180 Meter Long US Army Land Trains Of The 1950s

The Texan company, LeTourneau, was instructed to design these huge land trains in the 1950s by the US Government. The United States Army got three…

A Classic World War One Weapon: The Vickers Machine Gun – In Action (Watch)

Malcolm Higgins

A mainstay of the British army, the Vickers machine gun is a classic First World War weapon. The design actually built on a previous gun,…