Machinery & Gear | War History

Watch as Rare WWII Aircraft Share the Air: DeHavilland Mosquito and Lockheed P-38 Lightning

This video captures a unique moment in aviation history. Two of the world’s most rare aircraft dance through the sky together at one of the…

Dropping A Smaller Fighter From The Bomb Bay – The Out-Of-This-World XF-85 Goblin

Imagine WWII-era bombers serving as motherships for egg-shaped fighter jets dropped out of the bomb bay. Sound like a Si-Fi flick? Well, it’s not. Enter…

Top Five Infantry Rifles From World War Two (Watch)

This video looks at five of the best the rifles used by the forces that fought in World War II. These are the French MAS-36,…

P.1000 Ratte – Paper Tiger or Nazi Super Tank

As the beginning of the war swept over Europe, with lightening speed, Hitler felt invincible, at least for the first two years of the war.…

Top 10 Tank Scenes – Not Only in War Movies (Watch)

This video shows the top ten tank scenes in movies – and they’re not all War movies as you may expect. The only criteria needed…

The Awesome WW2 Churchill – The British Heavy Infantry Tank (Watch)

The Tank, Infantry, Mk IV (A22) Churchill was the primary heavy infantry tank of the British Army during the first years of the Second World…

Top Four Famous Battleships Of The Napoleonic Wars

Navies were crucial to the Napoleonic Wars. In the days before rail, ocean transport was vital to the trading economies of the European powers. Naval…

This Amazing Corsair Display Shows Why The Japanese Feared The “Whistling Death”

What was the role of the Corsair in World War 2? You are about to find out by watching this informative video. The Corsair was…

Emotional Scenes: Former Enemies Meet at Tiger Tank Exhibition Opening

There were emotional scenes as the veterans – all in their nineties – met each other more than 70 years after the end of the…

Firing the Massive WW2 88mm FLAK Gun – Massive Anti-Aircraft Gun

One of the most famous weapons used by the Germans in World War II was the Flugabwehrkanoneor Flak for short. The word means ‘aircraft defense…

Watch This Live Fire Training From Inside AC-130U Spooky Gunship

The Lockheed AC-130 gunship is a heavily armed ground attack aircraft currently in service with the United States Air Force. It is a variation of…

“The Last War of the Superfortresses” – Review by Mark Barnes

The Korean War seems to be getting a lot more attention at the moment. Perhaps it is because the WW2 book market is as saturated…