Medieval | War History

The Battle of Bosworth Field: How Richard III Lost His Kingdom & His Life

Andrew Knighton

The Battle of Bosworth Field was fought on the 22nd of August 1485 outside the small town of Market Bosworth, England. It was one of…

Pedro de Lara: From Powerful To Penniless

David Baker

A man in the midst of a mid-life crisis is not a pretty sight. His mood can trigger all kinds of ill-advised behavior and foolish…

Defying His King: How The Battle Of Arsuf Was Won

David Baker

Defying a king is no way to win medals, approval, or an invitation to court. Under certain kings of England, defiance could lead to time…

The First Gunslinger: The Lone Gunman at Orleans

At the Siege of Orleans in 1429, in yet another brutal phase of the Hundred Year’s War, the English suffered a major blow to their…

Super Weapons That Ended the Reign of Knights

Herbert Kikoy

It is without a doubt that weapons, since time immemorial, have the most effective tools in winning wars. In the Medieval Ages, the strength of…

The Bloodiest Battle Ever Fought on English Soil: The Battle of Towton

Andrew Knighton

Fought on the 29th of March 1461, the Battle of Towton was the bloodiest battle ever fought in England. In a single day, thousands of…

Rebel to Hero – Wallace at Stirling Bridge

Praise Ojo

The Battle of Stirling Bridge took place on September 11, 1297, during the Wars of Scottish Independence which were fought in the last years of…

Ancient Map Shifted the Balance of World Power

In the early 16th century, European nations sought out information collected and recorded on nautical maps. This made coastlines, harbors, and rivers into resources, and these…

Badgers Unearth Medieval Anglo-Saxon Warrior Burial Site

A United States military veteran discovered the shallow grave of a sixth-century Saxon soldier at Salisbury Plain in England, not too far from Stonehenge. Buried with…

Butcher Cumberland & the Last Highland Charge – Battle of Culloden

The Jacobite uprising emerged with the purpose of returning James II of England and VII of Scotland to the throne. From 1688 the Jacobite’s provoked…

Normans in Sicily: A Surprise Find for Archaeologists near Palermo

Archaeologists live for the kind of surprise uncovered recently near a medieval church in Sicily. The remains of 10 skeletons were found near the Church…

No Games of Thrones – The Real War of the Roses

The Wars of the Roses were fought between two branches of the Plantagenet family: the House of Lancaster and the House of York. The name…