Medieval | War History

The Battle of Hastings: The Last Successful Invasion of England

The Battle of Hastings was a turning point in English history. It decided the fate of the English monarchy and shaped the country’s language, laws,…

Hadrian’s Wall of Denmark – Dannevirke Defensive Complex

Beginning in the later part of what historians know as the “Nordic Iron Age,” the pagan Danes built massive lines of fortifications along their border…

Mammoth Revolution You Never Heard Of – The German Peasants’ War of 1524-5

In 1524, a revolt broke out in Germany. Peasants rose up in a war that showed the religious and social tensions that would tear Europe…

Mongol Tactics Learned from the Great Sun Tzu – Speed, Deception and Intel

The strategic genius of Genghis Khan is immortalized in history. The writings of Sun Tzu have established sound military principles that have transcended time and…

Legendary One-Eyed Jan Zizka: Undefeated Leader in the Hussite Revolution

Jan Zizka was a talented and successful military tactician as well as a statesman without equal. He led the Hussites in the turbulent 14th century…

The Amazing and Forgotten Victory at Molodi

The Molodinskaya Battle (or the Battle of Molodi) is a major battle that took place from July 29 to August 2, 1572, near the village…

King Edward I and The English Conquest Of Wales

The Normans had aimed and conquered Welsh lands since the Conquest in 1066, and the Anglo-Welsh border, known as the Marches, became violent and lawless…

For Serious Gamers – Hnefatafl: The Viking Board Game that Was More than Just a Game

In 13th Century Iceland, the saga of Hervőr and Heidrek abounded with tales of dwarves, magical curses, swords, and a contest consisting of riddles.  Fans…

Legendary Viking Battle – Svolda and King Olaf

Fought in the summer of 1000 on the western Baltic Sea, the battle of Svolda is without doubt among the major historical battles that shaped…

Baltic Crusaders – Pagans Defeat Christian Knights at the Battle of Saule

By 1200 Christianity was the dominant religious force throughout almost all of Europe; however, one group of pagans, in the last stronghold of their beliefs,…

Sohei: The Warrior Monks of Medieval Japan

The modern view of Buddhism is one of a peaceful, highly spiritual faith, where the devotee sets out upon the path to enlightenment through meditation…

Birth of the Black Plague: The Mongol Siege on Caffa

In 1345, the city of Caffa was razed by a vicious pandemic, in what would, centuries later, be recognized as the first use of biological…