Military Vehicles | War History

“The God of War” – Soviet Artillery of the Cold War

The Russian army referred to artillery as “the god of war.” Its destructive power not only shattered enemy formations but also transformed the shape of…

The Argentinian Side of the Falklands War

The Falklands War is often perceived, from the British perspective, as a victory that confirmed the British imperial status in the post-WWII world. It won…

Totally Outgunned, This Revenue Cutter Took Down one of the Largest French privateers in the Carribean

There are few moments in Naval History which better demonstrate how tenacity and skill can outweigh size and strength than the story of the Pickering…

The Sherman Tank: An American Workhorse

Strength in numbers. This is exactly what the M-4 Sherman tank was good at in its heyday. World War II saw the rise of the…

Bizarre Weaponized Vehicles From Military History

You might think that you know about all the unique military weapons that have been made to date, but human beings have a penchant for…

The Deadly Defiant, A Game-Changing British Warplane in WW2

The 1930s were an age of aeronautical experimentation. All around the world air forces were trying new and fascinating designs, searching for the perfect combination…

British Naval Intelligence: Well Equipped for WW2

At the outbreak of the Second World War, much of the British military were not equipped for dealing with military intelligence. The exception was the…

Lt. Gen Wainwright, Prisoner Of War, Who Was Awarded the Medal of Honor in WW2

Being captured by the Japanese during the early days of WWII meant facing years of grueling conditions, torture, and starvation.  Also, many were cut off…

The U-Boat War: A Vital and Misjudged Part of WWII

The Battle of the Atlantic was a vital arena of the Second World War. A protracted campaign that lasted for most of the war, German…

How the British Military Learned in Advance About the V2 Rocket – and How They Responded

The V2 rocket and its predecessor V1 had the potential to transform the Second World War. The world’s first long-range unmanned missiles, they were a…

The Submarine Which Inspired The Movie – U-Boat 96, And The Film “Das Boot”

In 1981, a film was released which is still cited as one of Germany’s greatest cinematic triumphs. It followed the exploits of U-96, a German…

Death in the Skies in World War Two – The RAF and the Luftwaffe face off in Battle

One of the most crucial conflicts of the Second World War was between the air forces of Britain and Germany. The Royal Air Force (RAF)…