Military Vehicles | War History

The Napoleonic Wars – An Age Of Mighty Ships Of War

Navies were crucial to the Napoleonic Wars. In the days before rail, ocean transport was vital to the trading economies of the European powers. Naval…

How Tanks Decided The First And Second World Wars

The concept of a military tank was not particularly new in 1916. However, the ability to move troops safely through combat territories with a vehicle…

The Early Days Of Drones – Unmanned Aircraft From World War One And World War Two

Unmanned aerial vehicles, popularly known as drones, are most often associated with airstrikes in modern warfare, but their history goes much further back than that.…

The Iowa Class: A Departure from Traditional US Battleship Design

War History Online presents this Guest Article from Chris Knupp The four vessels of the Iowa class were the last battleships put to sea by…

Tribute to the Canso/ PBY Catalina, The New Photo Album Out Soon

Check it Out! War History Online proudly presents this guest blog from accomplished author and blogger Hans Wiesman. You can read more by Hans and…

World War One: Military Innovations Which Changed the Face Of War Forever

The First World War saw incredible technological leaps forward. Though the fighting on the Western Front ground down into a terrible, soul-destroying mess, leaps forward…

The Battle of Britain – Fighting For Survival In The Skies In World War Two

The most famous aerial battle in history, the Battle of Britain was a hard fought and desperate struggle to hold back Nazi Germany. Having launched…

The Vast Invasion Fleet of the Spanish Armada – A Terrifying Power At Sea

The attempted invasion of England by the Spanish Armada on 1588 was an extraordinary undertaking. A vast invasion fleet was assembled in an attempt to…

A Classic Vehicle To This Day – The World War Two Origins Of The Jeep

World War II saw the creation of one of America’s most beloved vehicles, the Jeep. Now primarily produced for consumer use, the Jeep was once…

“The M.S. Wilhelm Gustloff” – Book Review by Mark Barnes

It’s good to see another volume on the life and death of the MS Wilhelm Gustloff from our friend Edward Petruskevich. This time round he…

The Only Enlisted Submariner Ever To Be Awarded The Medal Of Honor Locked Himself Inside A Sinking Submarine

For those who sail beneath the surface of the sea, there are few greater fears than permanently descending to the depths alive.  The movies would…

A Massive Operation – Raising A U-Boat To Recover Her Precious Cargo

In 1958, a German submarine was hoisted from the depths of the Kattegat Bay between the North and Baltic Seas off the coast of Sweden.…