Military Vehicles | War History

24 images of the highly successful M18 Hellcat tank destroyer

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Davis Bruce was looking for a suitable armored fighting vehicle to form the bulk of his Tank Destroyer Force. Once offered an…

Folly and Futility: The Iraq-Iran War 1980-1988

While news of wars throughout the global south often flies in and out of Western headlines with little fanfare or attention, the Iraqi invasion of…

This “Accident” May Have Changed the Course of WWII

It’s fascinating to look at how history can be changed from a single incident, or in this case, accident. That is what happened during the…

Naval Battle of Elli: Greeks Defeat the Ottomans

Although few major military conflicts occurred in the decade preceding World War I, the Balkan Wars initiated the fall of the Ottoman Empire were a…

Artillery Beasts – Railway Guns in 33 pictures

The idea of creating a huge-caliber gun on a railway platform dates from the 1800s when trains revolutionized the transport industry, but these Goliaths reached…

Tank Museum Director Awarded ‘Order of the British Empire’

The director of the Tank Museum, Richard Smith, has been awarded the Order of the British Empire in the Queen’s 2018 birthday honours list. He…

The Iconic Churchill Tank in 31 pictures

The tank that had the honor of bearing the name of Winston Churchill easily falls into the category of one of the most iconic British…

Dragon Wagon – Keeping Armor Moving

I’ve been interested in World War II since listening to my uncle’s tales from his experiences in the European Theater. I couldn’t get enough of…

Tide Turns at Midway – A Promise Kept

In 1942, the tumultuous tides of the Second World War turned against Singapore as Imperial Japan rolled over its minimal forces, taking approximately 25,000 prisoners. …

The End of the Rising Sun – The Japanese Surrender in Color

The origins of Japanese imperialism can be found in the XIX century when their firm isolationism was no longer defensible. In 1852, the gates of…

Rare WWII French B1 Heavy Tank to Participate at TANKFEST 2018

The last of its kind in existence, the Char B1 WW2 tank will be in action at Tankfest in June A rare Second World War…

New D-Day Statues Unveiled in Castletown Museum

A museum on the South Coast of England has just unveiled set of 6 statues to commemorate D Day in 1944. The ceremony was held…