Military Vehicles | War History

Vintage Planes: Dornier Do 335 Pfeil – The Fastest Piston-Engine Fighter of WWII

Air power first became a significant part of warfare during WWI, but it was in WWII that it came to the forefront. Long range bombing…

WW2 German Ace Stumbled Across a Crippled B-17 and Escorted It Home

Truly touching moments of humanity, ethics and morals are rather rare in warfare. The Christmas Truce of WWI was an excellent example of such humanity,…

The Vast Invasion Fleet of the Spanish Armada – A Terrifying Power At Sea

The attempted invasion of England by the Spanish Armada on 1588 was an extraordinary undertaking. A vast invasion fleet was assembled in an attempt to…

In 1956, An Obsolete WW2 Drone Took on Two State-of-the-Art Manned Jet Fighters Over the US – And Won

In August 1956, a drone went rogue over Southern California, threatening cities, including Los Angeles. In its aftermath, over 1,000 acres were destroyed, forests and…

The History of Armored Trains & Why They Are Now A Thing Of The Past

Armored trains are a relic of the past by today’s standards but in the late 19th and early 20th century, these big steel-plated locomotives besieged…

The Only Enlisted Submariner Ever To Be Awarded The Medal Of Honor Locked Himself Inside A Sinking Submarine

For those who sail beneath the surface of the sea, there are few greater fears than permanently descending to the depths alive.  The movies would…

Military Innovations From WW1 Which Changed the Face Of War Forever

The First World War saw incredible technological leaps forward. Though the fighting on the Western Front ground down into a terrible, soul-destroying mess, leaps forward…

Nine Reasons Why The Allies ‘Won’ The Battle of Britain or was it Germany lost it

The most famous aerial battle in history, the Battle of Britain was a hard fought and desperate struggle to hold back Nazi Germany. Having launched…

The 1905 Mutiny on the Battleship Potemkin

In the abortive revolution of 1905, the Russian Black Sea Fleet was a powder keg of discontent. In the war with Japan, the Russian navy had…

The Czechoslovakian Tank Industry – How Some of the Best European Tank Designs Fell into German Hands

The inter-war period led to the rapid development of European industries as countries such as Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia became independent and sovereign states for…

Totally Outgunned This Revenue Cutter Took Down one of the Largest French privateers in the Caribbean

There are few moments in Naval History which better demonstrate how tenacity and skill can outweigh size and strength than the story of the Pickering…

Fantastic New Titles From Haynes Publishing – Review by Mark Barnes

If you’re looking for a couple of books that are both informative and entertaining, look no further than this first class duo from Haynes Publishing. …