Military Vehicles | War History

Amazing Technology – The Rapid Development of Deadly Fighter Aircraft

A deadly flash racing across the sky, the fighter plane is one of the most exciting tools of modern warfare. How did we get to…

Warfare Under the Waves – Submarines in the First World War

Submarines were among the important new technologies that came to the fore during WWI. Although work on submarines had been underway for decades, it was…

The Hurricane: A Very Important Fighter in the Battle of Britain

The Spitfire is widely recognized as the plane that fought the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain. Another plane, however, was just as crucial to…

John Reginald Gorman – The Amazing Irish Kamikaze Tank Buster

In WWII, the Germans had a reputation for their formidable technology. What they did not consider, however, was the formidable Irish reputation for bullishness. John…

How Tanks Decided The First And Second World Wars

The concept of a military tank was not particularly new in 1916. However, the ability to move troops safely through combat territories with a vehicle…

The Amazing Legacy of the Legendary F-16 Falcon – An American Icon

For many modern Americans, General Dynamic’s F-16 Fighting Falcon is the most iconic fighter jet of the United States military. The plane has been in…

The Careers of These Soldiers Were Transformed by the Arrival of Tanks

In 1917, a new weapon appeared on the battlefields of WWI. First developed by the British, the tank was adopted by both sides as they…

Hiding Ships In Plain Sight: How Dazzle Camouflage Is Used To Confuse The Enemy

Dazzle camouflage was the brainchild of British artist Norman Wilkinson. It was put forward as a solution to the problem that ships could not be…

Leonardo’s War Machines – The Italian Genius May Have Deliberately Sabotaged His Own Designs

Born in the Tuscan town of Vinci on the 15th of April, 1452, Leonardo  Da Vinci is perhaps best known as the painter of the…

The RAF and the Luftwaffe: Different Ways They Approached WWII

One of the most crucial conflicts of the Second World War was between the air forces of Britain and Germany. The Royal Air Force (RAF)…

The U-Boat War: A Vital and Misjudged Part of WWII

The Battle of the Atlantic was a vital arena of the Second World War. A protracted campaign that lasted for most of the war, German…

How the British Military Learned in Advance About the V2 Rocket – and How They Responded

The V2 rocket and its predecessor V1 had the potential to transform the Second World War. The world’s first long-range unmanned missiles, they were a…