Modern | War History

Rainbows and Unicorns – The Planning Flaws of Operation Market Garden

In the summer of 1944, after weeks of slogging it out with the Germans in the Bocage country of Normandy, the Allies finally broke out…

A Cache of CASH – $2 Million Worth of WWII Currency Found in Store Floorboards

Cotswold Outdoor is an outdoor supplies store in Brighton, England, nestled between women’s clothing stores. Before this building housed Cotswold’s, it was home to Bradley…

A British Band Of Brothers? Your Support is Needed – This is Something Special

Support our campaign to make this television drama pilot and become an important part of history! The story of ‘Paratrooper’ depicts the journey of Private…

The “Hello Girls” of the Great War – Pursuing Recognition and Respect

The role of women in the First World War went unrecognized for decades, and until only recently, there have not been many initiatives towards recognizing…

10 Heroes of the Horrifying Fighting for the Hurtgen Forest

Over the winter of 1944-5, the American army fought against German forces holding a defensive line in the Hurtgen Forest. It was one of the…

Military Tradition: Germany’s Problem With Its Past

Recent revelations that members of the German military had planned a “false-flag” campaign – a terrorist attack while posing as foreigners seeking asylum in the…

Last Stand at Fort #1 – German Counter-Attack at Grodno 1944

On June 23, 1944, the major offensive of Operation “Bagration” began. On July 15, Soviet troops from the north began to liberate the city of…

Brothers In Arms: 1st Hand Account of Sacrifice And Survival at Chosin Reservoir

Guest Author

War History Online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Ned Forney For 19-year-old Pat Finn, a Minnesota Marine with Item Co, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, the…

From Mice to Elephants – The Amazing 5 Years of WWII Vehicle Development

Growling onto the battlefields in a blaze of shell-fire, the first motorized fighting vehicles made their appearance during the First World War. By the beginning…

Tourists Caught Stealing from Auschwitz – It’s Not the 1st Time!

It’s not uncommon for tourists to want to take mementos and souvenirs home from their trips abroad, but there are just some places and some…

Determined Fighting for a Terrible Cause – Germany’s Desperate Defense of Normandy

On the 6th of June 1944, the Allies invaded Normandy. For the German troops defending this region of occupied France, it was the beginning of…

Japan’s Dr. Mengele: Medical Experiments on POW’s at Unit 731

The main site of Japan’s experiments into biological warfare was the prisoner of war camp known as Unit 731 located in Pingfan, Manchuria, where Chinese…