Modern | War History

The Gulf of Tonkin – How The US Worked Its Way Into The Vietnam Conflict

Ten years after the disastrous defeat of the French Army in its former Asian colony of Indochina, the divided Vietnam once again captured the world’s…

Giorgio Perlasca – The Heroic Italian Businessman Who Saved Thousands Of Jewish People By Posing As A Diplomat

Everyone knows what happened to the Jews in Europe in WWII. They are also aware of the fact some people risked life and limb to…

The Invasion of Ethiopia – Mussolini’s Crazy Plan For Restoration of the Roman Empire

Italy arrived a late in the colonial race but tried to catch up rapidly. In 1895, a full-scale war broke out between Italy and Ethiopia over…

The Murky Fate Of Gestapo Chief And Nazi War Criminal Heinrich Müller

A veil of mystery follows the name “Heinrich Muller” since his disappearance in 1945, after the fall of Berlin. Mueller was the head of Gestapo…

Meet Chief Dog Sinbad, The Cheerful and Brave Coast Guard Mascot of WW2

The Coast Guard Cutter Campbell steamed out from New York in the winter of 1937. Like most peacetime cutters, she was patrolling the American coast,…

Michael Wittmann, the Deadly German Panzer Ace Of WWII

Between the myth and reality lies a figure of great importance in the history of armored warfare. Michael Wittmann, the most successful panzer ace of…

The WW2 French Resistance Leader Who Fooled the Gestapo to Save her Husband’s Life

Elly Farelly

Early Life Born in 1912 in the small town of Châtenay-sur-Seine, Lucie Bernard was a bright child and did well at school. Her parents hoped…

Camp X – The Allies’ Secret Training School for World War II Spies and Elite Agents

On the shores of Lake Ontario between Whitby and Oshawa is an area now known as Intrepid Park. Very little of what remains today hints at…

The Maginot Line – Book Review by Mark Barnes

It is ever so easy to ridicule the Maginot Line given its strategic failure, but it would be wrong to denigrate the wonder of it’s…

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade – US Citizens Who Fought Against Fascism in Spain

During the Spanish Civil War (1936 – 1939) a call went out from the Republican forces for communists and socialists around the world to come…

Cornelius H. Charlton and his Medal of Honor

Jeff Edwards

Throughout WWII, young men in their teens watched as those known as the greatest generation fought for victory in the greatest war the world has…

Making History – The Ship’s Cook Who Grabbed A .50 Cal To Shoot Down Enemy Planes At Pearl Harbor

Elly Farelly

In 1942, when Dorie Miller stood onboard the USS Enterprise at Pearl Harbor to receive the Navy Cross he made history. Miller was the first…