Modern | War History

With the Enemy Approaching, He Sat Beside His Wounded Comrade, Pulled the Pin on Two Grenades, and Waited

Jeff Edwards

Refusing to leave his mortally wounded comrade as the enemy approached, Australian Warrant Officer Kevin Wheatley pulled the pin on two grenades and waited for…

Medal of Honor – John R. Fox Sacrificed Himself by Deliberately Calling an Artillery Strike on his Own Position

John Robert Fox was an American soldier who was killed in action when he deliberately called artillery fire on his own position after his position…

After Being Demoted to Private Nine Separate Times, This Canadian Was Awarded the Victoria Cross

Jeff Edwards

If you ask any combat infantryman, you will hear that there are men who make their life easy in garrison and men who make their…

Takes out 3 Machine Guns, Kills 20 and captures 50 Germans – Even The Enemy Patted Him on the Back

Jeff Edwards

One might presume a nickname such as ‘Fats” was given as an insult, but when you find out a little bit more about the man…

American Liberator Of Gunskirchen Lager Concentration Camp Dies Aged 92

Ian Harvey

William John Jucksch died on November 28, 2017. He was 92 years old. Best known for accidentally discovering and then liberating a Nazi concentration camp…

Computer Pioneer Alan Turing Defeated The Nazi Enigma Code Machine But Was Considered A Security Risk

Ian Harvey

It has recently been disclosed that Alan Turing’s Bombe Machines, used to decipher German codes produced by the Enigma cipher machines during World War II,…

These Nebraska Twins Were Killed At Normandy – Now They Can Finally Be Together Again

Ian Harvey

Having twins can be a wonderful thing.  They sometimes are identical and sometimes not.  They are extremely close, and some even invent their own language…

Franz “The One That Got Away” Von Werra: Only German POW To Escape From Canada And Get Back Into The Fight

Jeff Edwards

A POW escaping from captivity has long been one of the most fascinating stories of World War 2.  For all the war’s brutality, there seemed to…

The Day That The USA Invaded Russia And Fought The Red Army

The US Armed Forces and the Red Army, although great rivals, only once met in battle. Even though during the Cold War a number of…

What Happened To Gestapo Chief And Nazi War Criminal Heinrich Müller

A veil of mystery follows the name “Heinrich Muller” since his disappearance in 1945, after the fall of Berlin. Mueller was the head of Gestapo…

The War Could Not Have Been Won Without This Wonderfully Simple Piece Of Design – The Humble Bailey Bridge

Picture an Allied tank commander in Europe, during Autumn, 1944. Advancing for days, destroying the German resistance. Nothing has been able to stop the invasion;…

Lightning Strike: Killing Admiral Yamamoto and Avenging Pearl Habor

Colin Fraser

Not only did the Pearl Harbor attack of December 7th, 1941 deal a devastating blow to the United States’ Navy and draw the nation into…