Modern | War History

The Korean War – A Messy, Terrible Conflict In The 1950s, And We Still Feel The Effects Today

The Korean War was fought as a result of the Soviet Union moving into what is now North Korea and the United States moving into…

Colorful And Impressive – American Wartime Posters

Wartime relations can cause a country to get down – as we saw in the United States during Vietnam – to a point where a…

Battle Of Savo Island Pacific – A Brutal Battle Of Naval Forces In The Pacific Campaign In 1942

The Battle of Savo Island began on August 8th, 1942, and came to a close on August 9th, 1942. It was a brutal battle of…

The Tsar Bomba, The Biggest Bomb The World Has Ever Seen

Lincoln Riddle

Every aspect of the phrase, ‘weapons of mass destruction,’ applies to the Tsar Bomba. The weapon was the Soviet Union’s rebuttal to the United States…

Hit By Shrapnel Which Almost Tears Off His Arm, Pries His Own Grenade From Now Useless Hand And Throws It At The Enemy

Senator Daniel Inouye served in the United States Senate from 1963 until his death in 2012.  At the time of his death, he was America’s…

Nicknamed the “Black Swallow of Death”, This Fighter Pilot Fought With The French in WWI

Occasionally in history, an individual will come along whose story is almost too inexplicable to be true.  To be a runaway youth in early 1900s…

Five Successful Missions Of The Waffen SS Mastermind, Otto Skorzeny

Otto Skorzeny was one of Germany’s finest commandos. An engineer by profession, he tried to volunteer for the Luftwaffe (German Air Force), in the year…

The Amazing SOE Operation To Kidnap General Heinrich Kreipe From Crete

The Special Operation Executive (SOE) in 1944, planned to conduct a daring mission in Crete. Their initial plan was to kidnap the German commander of…

Saddam’s Secret Super Gun – Project Babylon

Project Babylon was an Iraqi code name for the construction of a supergun, commissioned by Sadam Hussein in 1988. The engineer in charge of the…

When The Allies Attacked Oran And Were Annihilated By Vichy French Soldiers

After the fall of France during WWII, a puppet regime was established, with its administrative center in the town of Vichy, declaring itself The Vichy…

The Dog Who Went on Missions To Bomb Germany And Became A National Hero

In the great tragedy of war, one often needs to find something on which to hold in the darkest moments.  For a Czech Pilot at…

The Youngest Soldier In World War One Was An Eight Year Old Serbian Boy

Momčilo Gavrić was the youngest soldier in the First World War. He was born in May 1st, in 1906 in a village near the town of Loznica in…