Modern | War History

Top Secret: US Naval Base At Ulithi Was For A Time The World’s Largest Naval Facility

Jack Beckett

On March 1945, the largest convoy of US Navy ships and personnel sailed from a base in the Pacific Ocean. Where was this base? This monumental…

When “Red Mike” Edson & His 800 Men Were Up Against 2,500 Japanese – “You men have done a great job, & I have just one more thing to ask of you”

Greg Jackson

After more than 24 hours of fending off a ferocious Japanese assault, the sun began to set and the Marines of 1st Raider Battalion knew…

When “Red Mike” Edson & His 800 Men Were Up Against 2,500 Attacking Japanese – “You men have done a great job, and I have just one more thing to ask of you”

Jeff Edwards

After more than 24 hours of fending off a ferocious Japanese assault, the sun began to set and the Marines of 1st Raider Battalion knew…

For Christ’s sake men—come on. Do you want to live forever” Mowed down a 200-man attack by himself with a machine gun

Trygve Hammer

On 10 June 1918, during the Battle of Belleau Wood, 44-year-old Marine Corps First Sergeant Dan Daly, armed with a pistol and hand grenades, single-handedly…

When the former commander Treblinka, Kurt Franz, was arrested in 1959, a search of his home yielded a scrapbook with horrific photos of the massacre titled “Beautiful Years”

Jack Beckett

Kurt Hubert Franz (born on 17 January 1914 — died on 4 July 1998) was an officer of the SS and one of many commanders…

WWII Jeep in a Crate for $50 – fact or a tall story

A young man reading one of the magazines like Boy’s Life or Popular Science in the 40s or 50s might have come across an exciting…

Crazy French Count Blew Up German Factory With Baguettes Filled With Explosives

In 1938, 15-year-old Count Robert Jean-Marie de La Rochefoucauld went to pay Hitler a visit in Bavaria. The German Chancellor gave Rochefoucauld a friendly pat…

This Crazy Soviet Pilot Flew a MiG 17 Under A Bridge

In 1965 an incredible stunt was pulled by a Soviet pilot named Valentin Privalov, who managed to fly his MiG 17 jet fighter under a…

The enemy have us surrounded”, “they won’t get away this time”. Chesty Puller, American hero

“Chesty” Puller is the most decorated Marine in United States history. Heroic service in Haiti, Nicaragua, the Second World War, and the Korean War earned…

How 230 American Soldiers Walked Through Enemy Lines to Safety

On February 15, 1943, 230 American soldiers achieved a remarkable escape. Trapped behind German forces during fierce fighting in North Africa, they walked through the…

Nine Extraordinary Moments From The German Invasion Of France And Belgium, 1914

Germany’s westward advance in 1914 contained some of the most dramatic and unexpected moments of the First World War. The following events occurred before the…

The Battle of Le Cateau, 1914 – A Victory For Germany At The Start Of WWI

The early days of the First World War were very different from the long years that followed. As German troops advanced into Belgium and France,…