Researchers Document SS Thistlegorm Site With High Resolution Images
The University of Nottingham has started the Thistlegorm Project in hopes of documenting and preserving this important artifact of history. Dr. Jon Henderson is the…
WW2 Captain Rested In Arlington Cemetary For Decades – Now He Has Been Returned Home To North Carolina
The Russell family still resides in Gold Hill including a sister, brother in law and several nieces and nephews. According to Captain Lamar Shafer Russell’s…
The Channel Dash Kriegsmarine Trying to Save Its Ships – A Fast-Moving Naval Battle Of WWII
Most of the naval action of WWII took place in the vast spaces of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, but there were also confrontations in…
When A British Destroyer Rammed a German Cruiser In World War Two
April 8, 1940, two ships found each other off the coast of Norway. One a German heavy cruiser the Admiral Hipper, the other, a British…
Controversial: These Household Names Worked With The Third Reich During WWII
Kodak The famous camera company’s German branch actually used slave labor from German concentration camps. Several European branches of Kodak did extensive business with the…
The Most Decorated Pacifist Of WWI: Stormed German Machine Gun Nests, Taking 35 Machine Guns, Silencing 25 German Troops & Captured 132
He was a deeply religious man who abhorred violence and warfare. Despite that, he went on to become the most decorated veteran of WWI. Alvin…
The Day General Taylor Went On A Secret Mission To Occupied Rome in 1943
General Tylor’s diplomatic and language skills resulted in his secret mission to Rome to coordinate an 82nd Airborne para drop with Italian forces. General Dwight…
Amazing Story: One Of The Toughest, Most Skilled American Snipers In Vietnam
Carlos Hathcock was a genuine Vietnam War hero and an undisputed legend in the U.S. Marine Corps for his exploits in southeast Asia. With a…
Some of the Reasons for the French Military Disaster at Dien Bien Phu
Arrogance. Ignorance. Poor planning. These were the weapons with which French commanders fought the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, and with which they ensured their…
Reasons World War I Became Inevitable
The First World War was a conflict of unprecedented scale and destructiveness. Though its impact was unexpected, the arrival of war itself was not. Though…
Was It Really A War Crime – Thousands of Germans Died in American POW Camps In 1945
For all but fringe debaters on the subject, the book is closed. The horror and death caused by maltreatment or murder in German, Japanese and…
Saddam’s Secret Super Gun – Project Babylon
Project Babylon was an Iraqi code name for the construction of a supergun, commissioned by Sadam Hussein in 1988. The engineer in charge of the…