Modern | War History

His eyes express the madness of the war: Shell shocked soldier in a trench during the Somme Offensive

Shell shock was one of the major side effects of WWI. Many soldiers suffered from it, as it was caused by the heavy explosions and constant…

The Fighting Filipinos: Give me ten thousand Filipinos and I shall conquer the world – MacArthur

Colin Fraser

Did the Japanese really conquer the Philippines? Well, they certainly beat the American and Philippine professional forces and toppled the government. But by the time…

No Breathalyzers in Those Days: The True Story of Two American Fighters Who Took on the Japanese Attack at Pearl Habor – Hungover

Jeff Edwards

The nuances of military history are often lost to the passage of time and with the men who could give first-hand accounts.  As much as…

Firing From the Hip: With a Modified Aircraft Machinegun, Corporal Tony Stein Fired His Way Across Iwo Jima

Jeff Edwards

The ability to improvise, adapt, and overcome has long been a core ethos of the United States Marine.  While one could find many examples from…

4 Great British doctors of WW1 – advances in weaponry inflicted incredible destruction upon fighting men

Success in war is as much about avoiding death as about inflicting it. In modern warfare, doctors, nurses and field medics are as vital to…

From The Tank Museum: New Chapter In Story Of Tiger 131: Part 4 – 48 Royal Tank Regiment At Point 174

Three days after the attack on Djebbel Djaffa, B Squadron of 48 RTR was detached from 21 Tank Brigade and sent to Guhriatt El Atach,…

Maurice Gamelin and the Fall of France 1940

The French Were Led by Maurice Gamelin At the start of the Second World War, the French general staff were led by General Maurice Gamelin,…

After 39 Soviet Commandos Took Hill 3234 In Afghanistan, Not Even Hundreds Of Mujahedeen Could Dislodge Them

Nikola Budanovic

The Soviet-Afghan War, or the “Soviet Vietnam” as some political analysts called it, was one of the key points in which the decaying superpower came…

Ticking Time Bomb: The Mines At Messines, Over 1 Million Tons of Explosives, 20 Detonated, 5 Remain, Waiting

Jack Beckett

In 1917, the world was engulfed in war. For the first time, the economics of industry had been applied to warfare on a huge scale.…

The Youngest Soldier In WWI Was A Serbian Boy, Aged 8

Momčilo Gavrić was the youngest soldier in the First World War. He was born in May 1st, in 1906 in a village near the town of Loznica in…

World War Two’s Long Struggle for New Guinea

When the Japanese invaded New Guinea in early 1942, they began a struggle for control of the island which would last until the end of…

Real Heroes of Telemark – When Commandos Stopped the Nazis Nuclear Bomb Project

Nazi Germany invaded and occupied Norway in 1940. Though a relatively poor country (at the time) with only a population of about three million people, Norway had…