Modern | War History

Henry Johnson, Known as the “Black Death” – America’s First World War Hero

Colin Fraser

Henry Johnson was a World War I soldier who singlehandedly beat back a German assault while critically wounded. He was a great American hero and…

The First Battle of Ypres, 1914 – A Harbinger Of Things To Come

The battles for Ypres were among the defining engagements of the Western Front during the First World War. Ypres became a harbinger of much that…

With the Enemy Approaching, He Sat Beside His Wounded Comrade, Pulled the Pin on Two Grenades, and Waited

Jeff Edwards

Refusing to leave his mortally wounded comrade as the enemy approached, Australian Warrant Officer Kevin Wheatley pulled the pin on two grenades and waited for…

“Churchill’s Favorite Spy” Was Crucial To British Intelligence During WW2

Born to an aristocratic family, she saved thousands during WWII but died in poverty. She was vital to the French resistance and played a role…

The Nurse Who Boosted Britain’s Recruitment Record In WWI

By 1915, WWI was not going well for the British who suffered many casualties. Although many wanted to fight, malnutrition and poor health made them…

He’s Called The Ghost, Has The Same Medal Count As Audie Murphy, And Is Virtually Unknown

By the time a man earns seven Purple Hearts and lives to talk about it, he could either be described as one of the luckiest…

Promotion And Controversy – The Meteoric Rise Of US General Mark W. Clark

Jeff Edwards

Granted, many in modern Texas may have never heard of General Mark W. Clark, also known as General Marcus Aurelius Clarkus by his subordinates.  But…

Massacre: The Day The SS Wiped Out The Entire French Village Of Oradour-sur-Glane

Colin Fraser

On December 9, 2014, a German court in Cologne dropped the multiple charges of murder and accessory to murder against an 88-year-old man named Werner…

A Rumble In The Jungle: The Secret Story Of Force 136 – Commandos In WW2

By Catherine Clement – Curator, Chinese Canadian Military Museum There are not many WWII stories that ended up advancing the civil rights of an entire community.…

Learning Lessons The Hard Way – The Battle Of Neuve Chapelle, 1915

To the casual observer, it seems that no-one learned anything during the First World War. The same disastrous tactics were repeated over and over again…

He Fought So Bravely, Even The Captured Enemy Soldiers Gathered Round To Congratulate Him

Jeff Edwards

One might presume a nickname such as ‘Fats” was given as an insult, but when you find out a little bit more about the man…

Shooting Down 7 Aircraft In One Day, This Marine Was Awarded The Medal Of Honor On His First Mission

Jeff Edwards

Lieutenant James Swett wasn’t the only man to become an Ace in one day during the war and nor was he the only Ace to…